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Technology Frequently Asked Questions

Timesaver: We encourage you to review the information below for self-service assistance with the most common technology questions, concerns or challenges students might encounter during remote learning. We update the page regularly as new trends are identified and as new resources are developed.

I am concerned about issues of privacy and consent when students are captured in teacher’s recorded lessons.

Some teachers record lessons so that whoever missed the lesson has an opportunity to listen and watch later. The recordings are available to students and staff who have access to a teacher’s classroom Team. Here are some suggestions for alleviating concerns about showing a student’s home environment in recorded lessons:

  1. Students can change their background for Teams meetings by blurring the background or using an image. Learn how.
  2. Students can turn off their cameras when lessons are recorded.

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How do I login to Clever on my student’s iPad?

Login to Clever on student iPads either by showing a badge or by entering username/password. Step-by-step instructions (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

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What is my ParentVUE activation key?

Contact if you don’t have an activation key. Many families think they need an activation key but they have already created an account and have an active username and password. If you can’t remember the username, please contact If you cannot remember the password, please try the Forgot Password option to reset the password.

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How do I monitor my student’s online behavior?

You can check your student’s online behavior using an application called apParent Online. Activation emails were sent to new families and all elementary families at approximately 6:00 p.m. on Sep. 3. If you did not receive an apParent Online activation email, contact The app only works for district-issued laptops. It is not available on district-issued iPads. For more information, visit Student Device Monitoring for Families.

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My student is unable to join a Teams meeting. What do I do?

We are experiencing a number of reported instances when students could not join their Microsoft Teams meetings. They may encounter a message that says, “Sorry, your company policy prevents you from joining this call.” These steps should fix the issue:

  1. In the Channel listing, click on hidden channels, click on each hidden channel, then
  2. Click on Show to show the channel in your Channel list

Repeat these steps for each hidden channel. Once the Channel with the meeting shows in your list, you can join from the Calendar or directly from the Channel.

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My student is unable to access content that should be available. What do I do?

We have experienced issues with our LightSpeed Relay Filter where students are unable to access web content that should be available (Teams sites, staff portal, outside websites, etc.). You may encounter a block message similar to the one below. An update has been pushed out that has reached most student computers, but sometimes a restart may be needed. If this does not resolve the issue, contact

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Tips for optimizing your Internet connection

  • Use a wired connection or relocate as close to your router or modem as possible.
  • Reboot your router, modem and device (at least weekly).
  • Turn off extra Wi-Fi-enabled devices when not in use (e.g. security cameras, doorbells, extra phones, tablets, TVs, printers, audio players, baby monitors, speakers).
  • Turn off file-syncing services (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive) on other Wi-Fi-enabled devices when not in use.

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Network security and privacy

The Bellevue School District uses online security measures to protect the safety and security of all students. We understand this may create challenges for a few students, however, the policies and procedures are designed to safeguard our network and user accounts.

When we purchase technology tools and applications, we have the vendor sign a Data Privacy Agreement in order to keep our students’ information safe. We published a comprehensive list of the instructional applications (PDF) that teachers use as learning resources to guide, support and enhance student learning.

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Using personal devices for remote learning

  • We will issue devices to all students in the district. If you choose to use a personal device and experience technical issues while accessing remote learning tools and resources, we will do our best to provide support and resolve your specific issue. We can provide tips and recommendations but cannot install software or change your settings.
  • In accordance with the Student Technology Acceptable Use Procedure (2022P (PDF)), students are prohibited from attempting to conceal Internet activity and from attempting to bypass or evade techniques used to bypass filters. Students connecting to Office 365 on a personal device that uses software and/or hardware that obscures their location may be locked out of their account.

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Broken/lost stylus or power adapter

If your stylus or power adapter is lost or damaged, you may contact your Tech Specialist to pick up a replacement. Virtual elementary students may visit the Elementary Student Tech Center at the Wilburton Instructional Service Center (WISC), building 6. Visit our in-person tech support information page for additional details.

Students are financially responsible for lost or damaged items in accordance with our Student Laptop & Accessory Damage Guidelines (Word Online). Applicable charges will be applied to students’ accounts to replace lost or damaged items.

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I keep getting the message that my Windows License will expire soon. What do I need to do?

We are experiencing several reported issues where students are receiving the message “Your Windows license will expire soon.” If you see this message, please connect to BSD VPN for 15 minutes, then restart the computer.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact

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How do I connect to BSD VPN?

If you need to access certain District resources offsite, you will need to connect to the BSD VPN. Step by step instructions for connecting to BSD VPN.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact

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AP Classroom assessments need NEW Respondus Lockdown Browser

AP Classroom assessments require a newer version of the Respondus Lockdown Browser than is on the 2020-2021 student image. Before taking AP Classroom assessments, students should install “Lockdown Browser for Synergy and AP” (version 2.06.009) from Software Center. This browser will work for both Synergy assessment links and AP Classroom assessment links. Students can verify they have the needed browser for AP Classroom through a verification link on the AP Classroom site.

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