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Online Student Data Verification

Online Student Data Verification is a feature within ParentVUE that allows parents and guardians of active K-12 students to update and manage their student’s demographic information, which is stored in the BSD student information system.

Important: Online Student Data Verification is not available for pre-school families at this time.

Annually, parents and guardians are required to verify their student’s data. Parents and guardians of enrolled BSD students are able to complete this process electronically via ParentVUE. They can:

  • Fill out student demographic update forms
  • Complete school nurse health information updates
  • Update contact information
  • Edit, update and add emergency contacts
  • Upload documents to submit to their student(s) school(s)

Parents and guardians must update their student(s) data through this process in order to access all student information via ParentVUE. Once the process has been completed by one family member, access to ParentVUE will be available.

Why Online Student Data Verification?

By updating student’s data, we can communicate academic progress to the appropriate contacts, distribute important information as needed, contact families in emergency situations, and respond to a medical situation appropriately. It is imperative that we ensure that all information is current, accurate and complete.

Advantages of Online Student Data Verification

  • This feature provides an option for families to verify their student’s enrollment information online via ParentVUE. The online option supports our culture of service in the ease of use for families to verify and update this information.
  • If families choose to verify this information online they will save time by only having to update emergency contact, demographics and other pertinent info once, instead of per student.
  • Most information will also be pre-populated. So if no changes are needed, families can verify, fill-in any blanks and submit.
  • Families will have the ability to do this anywhere, on any device via ParentVUE.
  • To support equity and inclusion for all families, computer kiosks are stationed at all 29 schools, plus 3 kiosks at the BSD Student Placement office where parents can also verify this information.
  • It is important for families’ information to be up-to-date because BSD will use the information provided by this annual verification process to support student’s academic success and safety.
  • This process improves data accuracy, significantly reduces papers and streamlines the verification process.
