Mission and Vision
Introduction to BSD’s Multilingual Learners (MLL) Programs Models
Multilingual Department Vision Statement:
To affirm and inspire each and every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world while celebrating their cultural, racial, and linguistic identities.
Read Policy No. 2110 – Instruction – Multilingual Education Program (PDF)
Multilingual Department Mission Statement
“As the multilingual learners’ department, we commit to being antiracist by promoting educational, linguistic, and racial equity for our students, families, educators, and community members. We engage in high-quality culturally relevant and rigorous educational practices that uphold respect, non-discrimination, and fairness. As social justice advocates, we affirm student identity, promote multilingualism through an additive mindset, and structure our work for integration of all voices.”
We work towards our mission by delivering content-based instruction, supportive mainstream, Dual Language, in-class support and facilitation, or a combination of these models approved by Washington’s Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program to support English language learners. We also provide additional monitoring and support for proficient and recently exited students and eligible Native American students under Title III.
Multilingual/English Learners:
A student who meets the following two conditions is considered multilingual and can be eligible for the Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program:
- The primary language of the student is other than English. Washington State defines “primary language” as the language most often used by a student (not necessarily by parents, guardians, or others) for communication in the student’s place of residence.
- The language that the student first learned is other than English.