Too Sick for School
Last updated September 23, 2024
Reasons your student may be too sick for school
There are various medical conditions which may require your child to stay home from school. Below are some signs your child should stay home from school:
- Appearance, Behavior – unusually tired, pale, lack of appetite, difficult to wake, confused or irritable
- Fever – temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Student needs to be fever free (without using fever-reducing medications) for 24 hours before returning to school
- Eyes – white or yellow drainage, matted eyelids after sleep, vision change, eye pain and/or redness
- Ear Pain with Fever – Untreated ear infections may cause permanent hearing loss; consult with the student’s health care provider.
- Persistent Nasal Drainage and/or Chronic Cough – may need to be seen by a health care provider. These may be signs of a condition that may spread to others and require treatment.
- Sore Throat – especially with fever or swollen glands in the neck. A student with a confirmed diagnosis of strep throat may return to school after 24 hours of appropriate treatment.
- Diarrhea – 3 or more watery stools in a 24-hour period, especially if the student acts/looks ill or is not eating.
- Vomiting – vomiting 1 or more times within the past 24 hours. May return to school after 24 hours without vomiting and no other symptoms
- Rash – body rash, especially with fever or itching. Exceptions are rashes due to heat, diapers, and allergic reactions which are not spread to others.
- Scabies – Students with scabies may return to school 24 hours after beginning treatment.
- Chickenpox – Students are infectious 1 – 2 days before the rash appears and until the blisters (sores) are dry and crusted. This is usually 5‐6 days after the rash appears. Students need to stay home until all lesions have crusted over and there are no new lesions in 24 hours. If your child has chicken pox, alert the school nurse.
- Symptoms of respiratory viruses like COVID-19, Flu or RSV, or other respiratory viruses – Anyone who has symptoms of a respiratory virus like COVID-19, flu, RSV, or other respiratory viruses should stay home and isolate away from other people. Symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and headache that cannot be explained by another reason.
If possible, isolate from others in your home who are not sick. You should isolate even if you are up to date on your vaccines.
Wait to return to normal activities until the following are both true for at least 24 hours:- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- You have not had a fever (and you are no longer using medications to reduce fever such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or Aspirin.)
When your symptoms are getting better, you should be able to do normal activities with good energy. For most people, cough and runny nose should be gone or infrequent.
When you go back to normal activities, take precautions for the first 5 days in case you are still contagious, including:- Wear a high-quality mask with a tight fit under your nose and chin (N95 masks work well)
- Clean indoor air (164 KB) with HEPA filters and take steps to improve air flow
- Wash hands frequently
- Clean surfaces and other items that people touch
- Keep a physical distance from other people when you have symptoms
- Test if possible before you being around other people indoors.
If your child is sick with a respiratory illness, talk to your doctor right away about testing and treatment. They may be eligible for treatment, even if symptoms are mild. Call 911 and seek care immediately if there are emergency warning signs, such as trouble breathing or chest pain.
What if I don’t have symptoms but test positive for a respiratory virus?
If you never had symptoms but tested positive for a respirator virus, you may still be contagious. Take added precautions for the next 5 days including wearing a mask, physical distancing, frequent hand hygiene, and testing when you will be around other people indoors.
Respiratory Virus Guidance
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) respiratory virus guidance consists of five core and three additional prevention strategies. The following infographics are available in both English and Spanish. Additional information on Respiratory Virus Guidance can also be found on the CDC's website.
Keeping ill students at home and encouraging frequent hand washing protects all, including those with fragile immune systems & certain medical conditions. While we regret any inconvenience, it may result in fewer lost workdays and less illness for family members.
If you have questions, please contact your school nurse.