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Performing Arts Centers

Community activities are permitted in district buildings so long as they do not conflict with school programs and regular maintenance.

Important Notice:  District Performing Arts Theaters are not available for rental at this time.


Bellevue School District facilities and buildings are owned, maintained, and supported by the public. We have a number of theaters available for community use outside the regular school day including:

  • Classrooms adjacent to the theaters
  • Dressing Rooms
  • Ticket Booths
  • Front Lobby
  • High School Theaters

These facilities can be used by community members who are seeking accessible, convenient, and affordable spaces to hold their activities. School and District activities take precedence for use of the facilities.

Take Action

How to Create a Community Use Reservation

Already have an account?

    • Visit the Community Portal and click on “Login/Create Account”
    • Sign in to Event Manager
    • Search for a suitable location using the filters or browsing directly in the list of locations
    • Follow the Submitting an Event Request Guide to complete the event form including event details, location, time, contact information, etc.

Need to create an account?

Rental Confirmation

Applicants will receive a signed copy as confirmation and an estimate of fees. If the total estimated cost exceeds $1,000, you will be requested to pay 1/2 of the total estimated cost as a deposit 1-2 weeks prior to the event.

Cancellation Policy

Building use cancellations must be in writing seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the scheduled use to be eligible for a refund or fee adjustment.

Insurance Requirements

Insurance is required for all school facility use. A Certificate of Insurance and an Additional Insured Endorsement will be required before confirmation of your rental. For specific coverages and requirements, please contact the Facility Use Office at 425-456-4500. The District does not provide insurance but we can help provide information on how to obtain it.

Visits & Walk-Throughs

Customers are welcomed to visit our Performing Arts Centers (PAC). Visits are done on Wednesdays, by appointment only, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. and are limited to 45 minutes. If a walk-through is scheduled at another PAC, the previous walk-through will be limited to 30 minutes.