Guaranteed Admissions Program
Bellevue School District is excited to announce that beginning with the Class of 2023, qualifying Bellevue School District seniors will receive guaranteed admission to six Washington colleges and universities through the Guaranteed Admissions Program or GAP. Guaranteed admission is not free admission. Participating colleges and universities are:
- Central Washington University
- Eastern Washington University
- The Evergreen State College
- Washington State University
- Western Washington University
- University of Washington-Tacoma (new for the Class of 2024)
To qualify, students must:
- Meet GPA and College Academic Distribution Requirements or ‘CADR’.
- Minimum of 3.0 GPA
- CADR are specific to Math, English, Science, Social Studies, World Languages and Fine Arts, and include number of credits and types of courses taken in each area. For specific information about CADR, please visit the BSD Course Catalog
- Ensure that their contact information can be released to higher education institutions. The information that will be released for the GAP includes,
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Email(s) on record (school, personal)
- Mailing Address
- Cumulative GPA
To allow your student’s information above to be released to universities participating in GAP, the box next to ‘Release student directory information to colleges and other institutions of higher learning? Must be checked as ‘Yes’ in Synergy ParentVUE. If checked ‘No’ the information will not be released.
Starting in December, participating students in the 11th grade will receive communications from participating colleges and universities with information about the admissions process.
Participating students in the 12th grade will receive communication about their eligibility for guaranteed admissions or if not eligible, information to support them through the general admissions process.
To verify or change the release option for your student, go to ParentVUE Changes can be made in the ‘Data Verification’ setting.
If Data Verification has not been completed for your students this year, it will load automatically when you log in. if Data Verification has already been completed this year, go to the upper right corner of your screen and click on ‘Data Verification’.
In the ‘Students’ tab, click ‘EDIT’. On the ‘Early Learning and Release of Information’ screen scroll down to ‘Institutions of Higher Learning’. Verify that the box is checked ‘YES’ if you want information to be released to GAP or ‘NO’ if you do not.
Information will be released to the Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP) starting in late September, and periodically throughout the year. Please ensure that your Student Information Release permissions are updated (If necessary) in order for your student’s information to be released to the Guaranteed Admissions Program.
Video instructions for the Data Verification Process are located on the BSD website.
Additional Resources
- Guaranteed Admissions Program
- Financial Aid:
- College Academic Distribution Requirements