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Bellevue School District school counseling is a collaborative effort benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. Counseling is an integral part of students’ daily educational environment, and school counselors are partners in student achievement.

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About BSD Counseling

Bellevue School District school counseling is a collaborative effort benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. Counseling is an integral part of students’ daily educational environment, and school counselors are partners in student achievement. At all BSD schools, the counseling is comprehensive in scope, preventive in design and developmental in nature.

Like the ASCA model it is based on, the BSD Counseling Program:

  • ensures equitable access to a rigorous education for all students
  • identifies the knowledge and skills all students will acquire as a result of the K-12 comprehensive school counseling program
  • is delivered to all students in a systematic fashion Executive Summary
  • is based on data-driven decision making
  • is provided by a state-credentialed school counselor

Bellevue School District counseling programs are a collaborative effort between the school counselor, parents and other educators to create an environment that promotes student achievement. Staff and school counselors value and respond to the diversity and individual differences in our societies and communities.  Our comprehensive school counseling programs ensure equitable access to opportunities and rigorous curriculum for all students to participate fully in the educational process. School counselors focus their skills, time and energy on direct and indirect services to students.

Our goal is to have school counselors spend 80 percent or more of their time in direct and indirect services to students.  School counselors participate as members of the educational team and use the skills of leadership, advocacy and collaboration to promote systemic change as appropriate.  All school counseling programs include the following elements:  guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services and systems support for the counseling program and the school.

Our Belief

  • As professional school counselors, we are advocates and resources for students, staff, and families;
  • It is necessary to collaborate with students, families, community members, and other educators to promote equity and access for all students;
  • School counselors are agents for systemic improvement;
  • All students can achieve and meet high standards that will prepare them for success in meeting their life goals.

Direct Services


  • Academically at-risk students (attendance, behavior, coursework)
  • Classroom presentations
  • Course selection and scheduling
  • High School and Beyond Plan
  • Graduation Requirements/On track to graduate
  • College counseling, e.g., 1:1, letters of rec., parent info sessions, Naviance lessons, college conference, etc.
  • Running Start Academic Equivalency Sheet (PDF)
  • Graduation Pathways: Class of 2021: English (PDF) | Español (PDF)


  • Advocacy
  • Support for emotionally at-risk students
  • Social emotional literacy and emotional regulation
  • Suicide prevention and intervention
  • Substance abuse prevention and intervention
  • Referral

Indirect Services


Well-Being Resources for Students and Families



Middle & High School

Counseling News