PE Credit (Directed Athletics)
Health & Fitness/Physical Education (PE) Requirements for BSD Students
To earn a high school diploma, BSD students must earn the following Health & Fitness/PE credits:
Graduation Year | Number of Health Credits Required for Graduation |
Number of Fitness/PE Credits Required for Graduation |
Class of 2019 & beyond | 0.5 (1 Semester Course) | 1.5 (3 semester classes) |
Fitness/PE Credits are earned through successful completion of Fitness/PE courses offered at the high school level or opt to earn Fitness/PE credit through Directed Athletics in BSD.
Health Credit is typically earned during a student’s sophomore year by a course covering the essential academic learning requirements in Health. This course includes training in CPR and use of AED’s.
Directed Athletics in BSD
Upon successful completion of 9th grade Core PE in the BSD, students may opt to earn the following Fitness/PE credit through Directed Athletics.
NOTE: If a student transfers into BSD from another school district after their 9th grade year, they must successfully complete 1.0 credit of Fitness/PE before opting to earn credit through Directed Athletics.
Graduation Year | Number of Fitness/PE Credits Possible to Earn through Directed Athletics |
Class of 2019 and beyond |
0.5 (either one season of a school sport or one 80 hour season of community participation) |
Note: A defined school sport season or 80 hours of community participation in a 90 school day period may earn a student 0.5 credit. |
Students may earn 0.5 elective Fitness/PE credit through Directed Athletics by successfully completing the following two steps within the same academic year:
1. Participation: All outlined requirements in the School Sport for PE Application or Community Based Activities for PE Credit Application must be properly completed and submitted. For more details, see “1. Participation Requirements” below.
2. Proficiency: Students must also demonstrate proficiency of the knowledge portion of the fitness requirement through a Directed Athletics Assessment administered during each academic year. For more details, see “2. Proficiency Requirements” below.
Important: Failure to complete this process as outlined will result in a student beginning the process anew the next academic year. For additional details, go to Board Policy 2410 – High School Graduation Requirements and Administrative Procedure 2410P: Graduation Requirements.
2. Proficiency Requirement
In addition to meeting Directed Athletics participation requirements, a student must also demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge portion of the fitness requirement for the 0.5 credit request. Proficiency is demonstrated through successful completion of an on-line assessment that is administered during each academic year.
Important Notes:
- Students must meet proficiency during the same academic year in which they participated in the school sport or community based activity.
- A student may register for an assessment prior to completing the participation portion of the Directed Athletics requirement. For example: a student who plans to participate in a spring sport either through their school or a community based activity may sign up for the first assessment scheduled during the school year. This allows them an opportunity to take the assessment during subsequent offerings if they do not meet proficiency.
Assessment Schedule & Registration:
- All students must register for an assessment session prior to the posted deadline by clicking the link below for the specific date they desire to take the assessment.
- Do not sign up for multiple dates. Sign up for the one you intend to attend.
- A nominal fee is charged to the student’s account for the assessment with financial assistance available for students who qualify. See school accountant for details. Reconciliation must be made by the Wednesday prior the test or student will be removed from the roster.
- Click the registration link below to register for a specific Assessment Date prior to the registration deadline.
- Confirmation of registration will be sent via email within a few days after the registration deadline date for each individual assessment.
- Any registration questions and/or seeking to verify a student is registered? Please contact Jessica Dowling at
2024-2025 Sessions |
Assessment Date |
Registration Deadline |
Registration Link |
1 | Wed Sept 25 | Wed Sept 11 | registration closed |
2 | Wed Oct 23 | Wed Oct 9 | registration closed |
3 | Wed Nov 27 | Wed Nov 13 | registration closed |
4 | Wed Dec 18 | Wed Dec 4 | registration closed |
5 | Wed Jan 22 | Wed Jan 8 | registration closed |
6 | Wed Feb 26 | Wed Feb 12 | open registration |
7 | Wed Mar 26 | Wed Mar 12 | open registration |
8 | Wed Apr 30 | Wed Apr 16 | open registration |
9 | Wed May 21 | Wed May 7 | open registration |
10 | Wed May 28 (makeups/retakes only) | Wed May 14
To register meet with school counselor |
Questions? Contact Ms. Dowling at |
*Session dates/times are subject to change. Plan ahead and register early! Plan to take assessment at least 3 months before the end of Spring sports season to allow for retakes and makeups. You do not need to take the test during your sports season.
Time & Location: Assessments are offered at the four comprehensive high schools as follows.*
School | Max # of Students per Assessment Date | Assessment Location | Time of Assessment |
Bellevue | 20 students | Room 0104 | 1:45-3:45 pm* |
Interlake | 20 students | Room 1604 | 1:45-3:45 pm* |
Newport | 20 students | Room 1112 | 1:45-3:45 pm* |
Sammamish | 20 students | Room 0111 | 1:45-3:45 pm* |
Online School Students
Students attending the BSD online school may take the assessment remotely with a proctor in a Teams meeting on the same date and time as the scheduled in person test. Registrants will be asked to select “Online” and their attendance area school location on the registration form. This option is only available to students who are attending the online school. BSD virtual school students must still meet the established number of participation hours required for their school or community-based sport.
Send questions about the remote assessment to Jessica Dowling at
For in-person testing, plan to arrive 15 minutes before the assessment is scheduled to start. For remote testing, be ready to enter the virtual meeting no later than 1:40 p.m.
Most students do not take the entire 2 hours to finish the assessment. Students who finish early may leave, so please plan transportation accordingly.
What to Bring:
- Picture ID – Students without a picture ID will not be allowed to take the assessment.
- District issued 1:1 laptop computer (fully charged) and charger.
- Student BSD login information.
- Score report from previous assessments, if applicable.
- Proficiency is measured at 65% on the overall assessment. This score is not factored in to a student’s GPA.
- Assessment results will be sent via email to student, parent, counselor and registrar typically within two to three school days after the assessment date.
- Students who do not meet proficiency may register again to retake the assessment during the remaining sessions offered within the same academic year.
- Students will have a maximum of four opportunities to meet proficiency on the assessment during an academic year.
Preparation for Assessment:
Preparation for any student who plans to sit for the assessment will be self-directed. Materials have been developed to guide students as they prepare, but there is no district directed instruction. To adequately prepare, a student should:
- Review the following documents for a foundational understanding of areas of importance:
- Be familiar with essential elements and concepts outlined in the Study Guide – PE Sport for Credit Knowledge Assessment.
- Download and complete the Directed Athletics Knowledge Portion of the Fitness Requirement Study Guide. This document also provides embedded links to readings that will help the student study for the assessment.
- Check out a copy of the Core PE Textbook from their school library (Currently unavailable. The online resources noted above provide adequate study material.)