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Middle School Registration

Registration for middle school sports and activities for the 2024-2025 school year will open in September 2024.However, we encourage fifth grade and middle school families to log in to FinalForms before the end of the school year to complete or update forms. Please note that for the 2024-2025 school year, there are new fields that will need your attention. FinalForms is the Bellevue School District Athletics and Activities online forms system that helps us manage student sports and activities and boosts compliance and safety.

Logging in now to complete forms will help ensure that your student can participate in sports, activities and field trips in 2024-2025. If you already have an account confirmed with FinalForms, you and your student can log in and update forms now, and you can begin registering for sports and activities when the registration period opens. Families with existing accounts should look for the blue registration button to access 2024-2025 forms. If you have never logged in to FinalForms, please read beyond the resource list below to learn more.

Resources for Participating in Middle School Athletics

FinalForms: Efficient Registration for Athletics and all After-school Activities and Trips

The system allows any registered users (activity/club sponsors, parents, and students) to view information from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. You may be asked to complete forms online as well. FinalForms saves data from year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, saving you time if you have multiple students. You may log in any time to update information including emergency medical contacts and information. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and any time you make an update.

What do I need to do to get set up in FinalForms?

You will receive an account confirmation email from FinalForms. This email is safe. Please do not disregard; follow the steps below.

Please follow the link provided in the email to ensure student registration is complete by following these steps:

  1. Click the link in the email and follow the steps to login and access your student(s).
  2. Follow the prompts to confirm your account, access your student(s) and sign your forms. You will be able to enter multiple students in one session.
  3. Click on the Parent Playbook (attached) for additional guidance. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Use Support.’

Is the information I submit to FinalForms safe?

Yes, FinalForms and the district worked together to ensure that private student information is secure and always managed properly. A signed data privacy agreement is in place, and FinalForms personnel will continue to work closely with the district’s Technology department to safeguard all data.

Learn More

If you have questions, please contact Jeff Lowell at (phone: 425-456-4010), or Jessica Dowling at (phone: 425-456-4278).

This information is available in Chinese and Spanish.