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Athletic Eligibility

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Eligibility Requirements

What is Eligibility?  Meeting the stipulated requirements in which to participate and compete for Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) member schools. All WIAA member schools have had input on, and agreed to abide by, these rules.

Who decides Eligibility?  Athletic Administrators or School Designee work with WIAA staff to review and determine athletic eligibility. According to WIAA eligibility training, coaches are responsible for knowing the WIAA rules and assisting the AD with all eligibility issues.

WIAA Eligibility Forms: Visit the WIAA Student Eligibility Center for complete eligibility information and forms.

Specific question about eligibility? Contact the Athletics & Activities Director. (Contact information can be found on the BSD page: Athletics in the High School.)


Below is a summary of WIAA and BSD eligibility requirements with links to additional detail.


All student athletes are to clear their eligibility in the school’s athletics office before they may begin turning out. Clearance requirements include:

1.  Register via FinalForms (for more detail, go to BSD’s page: “Athletics in High School”)
2.  Pay any/all school fines (through school’s accountant or online payment system)
3.  Purchase ASB card: $65-$75*^
4.  Purchase School Transportation Fee: $100^
5.  Purchase District Athletic Participation: $100^
6.  Have a current physical on file (Click here for BSD physical form or complete a printable form in FinalForms. Good for two years).
7.  Have a medical insurance plan. School insurance is available:
Student Inquiries – Insurance Information 2023-24 English  –  Spanish
Student Accident/Sickness Insurance (English)
Student Accident/Sickness Insurance (Spanish)

* determined by each school’s ASB voting
^ assistance available if needed, contact the Athletics & Activities Director for details. (Contact information can be found on the BSD page: Athletics in the High School.)

Explanations pertaining to following WIAA requirements can be found on the WIAA Handbook

Physical Examination

Prior to any participation in an interscholastic high school athletic program, a student must pass, and have on file at the school’s athletics office, a medical examination performed by an MD, DO, ARNP, PA or Naturopathic Physician. Physicals are good for 24 months.

Age Limits

The student must be under 20 years of age on September 1st for the fall sports season, on December 1st for the winter sports season, and on March 1st for the spring sports season.

Student Member of a School

Students must be regular members of the school they represent in order to participate in an interscholastic athletic activity.

Students enrolled in home based education, alternative education, private school education, and running start are eligible to participate in interscholastic contests/competitions, when all WIAA requirements are met.

Academic Standards / Scholarship

All student athletes are required to meet both the WIAA and BSD academic standards.

WIAA requires a student maintain passing grades in a minimum of 6 classes in a 7 period class schedule or the equivalent credits. Seniors on track to graduate may enroll in one less class than the minimum number of classes required for other students.

BSD requires a student maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA (BSD 2151P). For more details on academic requirements, go to the BSD page: Athletics in the High School.

Previous Semester and Regular Attendance

The student must have been in regular attendance as a full-time student … during the semester immediately preceding the semester in which the contest is held.

The student must be enrolled and in regular attendance within the first 15 school days of the current semester … in order to participate in the current quarter.


The residence is defined as the place where the family unit has established its home and/or the place where the student is habitually present and to which, when departing, the student intends to return. The family unit is defined as the adult(s) who has/have resided with, had legal custody, legal guardianship, or has/have acted in a parental capacity of the student and any siblings high school age or younger with whom the student resides for a period of at least one year. The student must reside with parent(s) or legal guardian in the district and school service area.

To check your home attendance area school, go to the BSD Find Your School page.  If you live outside a school’s attendance area or with someone other than your parent(s) or legal guardian, please contact the Athletics & Activities Director regarding eligibility. (Contact information can be found on the BSD page: Athletics in the High School.)

Transferring Students

After registering with, attending, or participating with a middle level or high school, students changing enrollment to/from one school district to another school district or from one high school to another high school within a multiple high school district, such as BSD, shall be considered transferring students. In order to be eligible for varsity competition, transferring students must meet the transferring student requirements outlined be the WIAA.

Ineligibility pursuant to section 18 shall be effective for one (1) calendar year from the date of enrollment. This ineligible status only prohibits a student from competing at the varsity level.

If you are a transferring student, please contact the Athletics & Activities Director regarding eligibility. (Contact information can be found on the BSD page: Athletics in the High School.)

Season Limitations

After entering or being eligible to enter the 7th grade students shall have six consecutive years of interscholastic eligibility. After entering or being eligible to enter the 9th grade, a student shall have four consecutive years of interscholastic eligibility.

Gender Identity Participation

All students should have the opportunity to participate in WIAA activities in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on a student’s records.

Concurrent Sports Limitation

A student may be on only one interscholastic sport roster per season. The exception shall be for the student who competes during an alternate season, qualifies for the state tournament, and is required to practice prior to competing in the state tournament.

Non-school Participation

Students may participate on a non-school team or teams or in a non-school instruction program while also participating on a school team. Schools may not give students special treatment or privileges on a regular basis to enable them to participate in non-school athletic activities. Students shall not compete in the uniform of the school at non-school events. Participation on a non-school team or program cannot be a requirement or condition of participation on a school team.

Amateur Standing

A student who represents a school in an interscholastic sport must be an amateur in that sport. An amateur student athlete is one who engages in athletics for the physical, mental, social and educational benefits, and to whom athletics is an avocation and not a source of financial reward.

Use of Illegal Substances

School and WIAA rules and regulations are intended to discourage the use of alcohol, tobacco, legend drugs, controlled substances and paraphernalia and to encourage the use of school and community resources. School and community resources should be identified for students who have had a violation and seek help or who are referred for assessment.

Under BSD Administrative Procedure 2151P (Interscholastic Activities), students who participate in athletics and/or activities are expected to refrain from the unlawful use of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and controlled substances. Any unlawful use of controlled substances, alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco is a violation of the Athletic Code and results in corrective action. (BSD 2151P)


The WIAA District Eligibility Committee and the Executive Director are given the authority to make specific exceptions to those student eligibility regulations contained in Article 18 provided such exceptions are based upon hardship conditions that are deemed to have contributed in a significant way to non-compliance with specific regulation(s) that may be appealed.

Attendance (practice or competition)

To ensure participation in practice or competition of an activity or athletic event, students must attend that same day, or the preceding day if the activity or athletic event falls on a non-school day.
–  Minimum of five (5) classes for a 7-period schedule
–  Minimum of four (4) classes for a 6-period schedule
–  Minimum of three (3) classes for a 4-period schedule
–  Minimum of two (2) classes for a 3-period schedule
In rare, extreme and extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student, eligibility to practice or compete may be granted in advance on a case-by-case basis. (BSD 2151P)

Students Attending Other Schools

Students attending one of the BSD “choice” schools (Bellevue Big Picture or International School) will maintain athletic eligibility at the comprehensive high school serving the neighborhood in which they reside.

Students attending Big Picture School who do not reside in the Bellevue School District are eligible to compete for Sammamish High School. Students who attend International School and do not reside in the Bellevue School District are eligible to compete for Bellevue High School.

Students receiving home-based instruction or enrolled in private school are eligible to participate in the athletic programs of the comprehensive high school serving the neighborhood in which they reside. More information can also be found on the BSD Student Placement page: Home School & Part-Time Attendance.

For more eligibility detail, go to BSD 2151P. To find the high school that serves your area of residence, go to BSD Find Your School. If you have a question about participation, please contact the Athletics & Activities Director. (Contact information can be found on the BSD page: Athletics in the High School.)

Pre-contest Practice Requirement

Each student is required to complete the minimum number of practices in a specific sport the day before participating in a game. One day is equal to one practice for purposes of meeting the minimum practice requirements. The number of practice days required for each sport is as follows:

Fall Sports Winter Sports Spring Sports
Cross Country (boys) – 10 Basketball (boys) – 10 Badminton
Cross Country (girls) – 10 Basketball (girls) – 10 Golf (girls) – 0
Football – 12 Gymnastics – 15 Golf (girls) – 0
Golf (boys) – 0 Swim & Dive (boys) – 10 Lacrosse (boys)
Soccer (girls) – 10 Wrestling – 12 Lacrosse (boys)
Swim & Dive (girls) – 10   Soccer (boys) – 10
Tennis (boys) – 10   Softball – 10
 Volleyball – 10   Tennis (girls) – 10
 Water Polo (boys)   Track & Field (boys) – 10
    Track & Field (girls) – 10
    Water Polo (girls)

For more details on practice regulation, including interruption of pre-contest practices and practice accommodations, please refer to WIAA Handbook.

Student Appeals of Ineligibility

Hardship must be the basis of an appeal. For information on the procedures for a student to appeal ineligibility to participate in interschool activities, see WIAA Handbook