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Seal of Biliteracy

In the State of Washington, students qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating proficiency in English and another world language. Students must demonstrate proficiency on a nationally normed language test and achieve an intermediate mid rating or higher across all skills. Students may take the World Language Competency Credits test to qualify for the Seal.

The Seal of Biliteracy appears on a student's official high school transcript to show employers and universities that they have achieved a functional level of language proficiency. Some universities may award college credit for the tests that qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy. Students will receive a certificate upon graduation. 

Qualifying Proficiency Tests

Students may demonstrate proficiency on any of several different tests. Test codes align with the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS) database.

Test Name Code Qualifying Score Provider
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages AAPPL Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking all at I-2 or higher Language Testing International
Advanced Placement (AP) Language and Culture or Literature and Culture AP Testing 3 or higher College Board
International Baccalaureate Language A or B IB Testing 4 or higher International Baccalaureate Organization
Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency STAMP Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking all at 5 or higher Avant Assessment
Writing Proficiency Test and Oral Proficiency Interview WPT & OPI Both Writing and Oral Proficiency at Intermediate Mid or Higher Language Testing International
Writing Proficiency Test and Oral Proficiency Interview by Computer WPT & OPI Computer Both Writing and Oral Proficiency at Intermediate Mid or Higher Language Testing International
Custom Writing and Speaking Test Writing & Speaking Intermediate Mid or Higher Washington Association for Language Teachers
ALTA Written Assignment & Speaking and Listening Written Assignment & Speaking and Listening ILR of 1+ in both writing and speaking and listening tests ALTA Language

Student Transcripts

The seal of biliteracy is automatically added to a student's transcript based on the results from testing data twice a year. A student does not need to request the Seal if they took a qualifying test while enrolled in the Bellevue School District.

Graduating students will receive an email in May informing them where to pick up their official certificate. The Seal is only marked as earn upon graduation.