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Mandarin Dual Language Program

Program Outcomes

Our program goal is for each student in the Mandarin Dual Language Program to achieve the following:

  • Biliteracy: Students will be able to read and write at advanced levels in both English and Mandarin.
  • Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
  • Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects and be prepared for college and career.
Students at an assembly

Contact Us 

  • 425-456-4058


12011 NE 1st Street 
Bellevue, WA 98005
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 

Mandarin Dual Language Frequently Asked Questions


Our two children are enrolled in the Dual Language Program at Jing Mei Elementary. Our eldest is in 4th grade and our youngest is in 1st grade. Their father and I are non-native Mandarin speakers and so English is their first language and our spoken language at home.

Our goal for our children at a dual language school is to be able to understand and converse in Mandarin and English confidently. Both our children have not only developed great comprehension skills in both languages, but they have also developed an interest in writing Chinese characters and our eldest is able to use pinyin to complete assignments on the computer. It is so rewarding to read their stories and essays in Mandarin and share this with their grandparents.

In the first couple of years, we had slight concerns about our eldest being behind in English in terms of reading and writing but we have seen a huge transformation starting in 3rd grade when the dual language program becomes 50/50. Now his level of Mandarin and English has far surpassed what we ever expected.

Jing Mei Parent


I am a parent of a 3rd grader currently Jing Mei, as well as a 6th grader who is continuing the Mandarin Dual Language into middle school. My husband and I do not speak Mandarin. It was a big leap of faith to put our kids into a dual language program with no understanding of the language. We chose to apply to Jing Mei because we wanted our children to learn a foreign language early.

Over the years we have found the Jing Mei teachers and staff to be dedicated, caring, and motivated to help our kids learn. The parent community is enthusiastic and involved. It’s been a wonderful school choice for our family.

We were not sure what to expect when we enrolled in the Mandarin Dual Language program. Going into Kindergarten with no Mandarin is hard work, but our kids continually rise to the challenge – to them it’s just normal school. It’s been wonderful watching their language skills grow.

We have been very impressed with how much Mandarin our kids know. Frequently, I discover my kids in conversation at the park with Mandarin speaking neighbors. They also enjoy watching cartoons in Mandarin.

Jing Mei is a lovely community and learning environment. My husband and I are so happy with our choice. We are proud to be part of the Bellevue School District MDL community.

Bellevue School District Parent