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Arabic Language Program

Contact Us 

  • 425-456-4246 


12011 NE 1st Street 
Bellevue, WA 98005
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 

Which Arabic dialect will you be teaching in the classroom?

Teachers will instruct in Fusha, encompassing Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). MSA is the formal, standardized form used in writing, media, and formal discourse across the Arab world, facilitating cross-regional communication. Learning MSA provides a strong foundation for future dialect exploration. While MSA is the primary focus, we also value dialects for daily use and cultural exchange. We enhance skills through cultural activities, authentic materials, and community exposure, promoting a holistic understanding of Arabic’s richness and linguistic diversity. Our aim is students’ communicative competence, blending MSA proficiency with dialect appreciation for a comprehensive Arabic language education.

Arabic classroom

Elementary Program

The Bellevue School District is excited to introduce the Arabic Bilingual Program. Starting from the 2023-2024 school year, we have started accepting applications from incoming kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade students for Ardmore Elementary's school program. 

As the program grows each year, additional grade levels will be added to accommodate the expansion. Both in-district and out-of-district students, with diverse language proficiencies, are welcome to apply.

This unique program offers students the opportunity to learn the Arabic language during the regular school day while studying core subjects such as math, science, social studies, and language arts in English. The primary goal of this program is to celebrate culture and language and foster positive identity.

The Arabic Bilingual Program will…

  • Develop a strong linguistic proficiency in English and Arabic.
  • Expand horizons for future education.
  • Enhance cognitive skills and critical thinking.
  • Embrace diversity and global perspectives.

How many minutes of Arabic instruction will be offered each day?

Kindergarten students will engage in Arabic instruction for nearly 90 minutes a day during social emotional learning, Arabic language arts and social studies.

As the program develops, feedback from students, parents, and teachers will be incorporated into the design. The heritage language program aims to be culturally responsive and student-centered, remaining flexible and adaptive to the needs of students and their families.

What kind of transportation options will be offered?

Students who reside within the Ardmore attendance area may use district transportation that serves their neighborhood. Students who reside outside of the Ardmore boundary may utilize current bus stops within the school transportation boundaries on a space available basis. For more information contact transportation at

Will there be standardized testing to assess student’s Arabic proficiency at the end of the school year?

Students will take the STAMP2SE assessment to evaluate their speaking and listening proficiency in Arabic. This assessment will be administered at the start, middle, and end of the academic year. The STAMP test gauges proficiency at the national level, allowing the district to compare a student’s performance with the standards adopted by Arabic language programs throughout the country.

Elementary Program Contacts

Ardmore Elementary website:
Principal: Tina Bogucharova
Assistant Principal: Yusra Obaid

Secondary Arabic Heritage Language Program

BSD middle school students in grades 6-8 may register in the spring (during the annual course registration period) for a Arabic world language course and earn world language credits.

The middle school Arabic Bilingual Program will offer students the opportunity to learn the Arabic language during the regular school day while studying core subjects such as math, science, social studies, and language arts in English. The primary goal of this program is to celebrate culture and language and foster positive identity.

How can students register for these courses?

Students in grades 6-8 can sign up for Arabic courses during the spring class registration period. To meet the language proficiency levels of students, there will be four different levels of Arabic language courses offered: Arabic 1a, Arabic 1b, Arabic 2, and Arabic 3

Families who currently live outside of Bellevue School District Boundaries, must first apply to attend school in the Bellevue School District. Once accepted, you will be notified and receive enrollment instructions via email.

What will students learn in their middle school Arabic language course?

Middle School students will enhance their Arabic language skills while engaged in project-based learning. They will explore the history of the Arabic-speaking world and its cultures.

How will middle school students take part in the Arabic Bilingual Program?

At the middle school level, students enrolled in a Arabic course will receive online Arabic instruction through Bellevue Digital Discovery School. They will access their Arabic courses virtually from each middle school. The district will provide students with all the essential technology resources, including laptops, headsets, keyboards, and instructional materials, to support their learning experience.

Will students receive world language credits necessary for graduation?

Students enrolled in Arabic courses will receive World Language credits that can be applied towards high school graduation requirements

Secondary Program Contacts

Digital Discovery:
Principal: Tom Duenwald

Arabic Language Program Frequently Asked Questions