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Change of Service Options

Transfer Request

To request a transfer from one Advanced Learning site to another, please fill out the Transfer Request Form.  This is for students in the Centered program only.

We approve transfer requests on a space available basis only and we will not make any decisions until the end of August. If you would like to proceed, please fill out the form and email it to

If your child is receiving domain-specific services, that request needs to be submitted to Student Placement by submitting a Transfer Request Waitlist Application.

Option 1

This option is for students who are enrolled in Centered Services but wish to return to their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.

Change of Service Form

If you wish to change your child’s services as described in Option 1, please fill out a Change of Service Form and submit it to the Advanced Learning Office.

Option 2

This option is for students who left Centered Services to receive differentiated services but wish to return.

Students may return to Centered Services at any time as long as they left this service model to receive differentiated services in the general education classroom in their attendance area or choice school (Option 1). For secondary students, it is recommended that a return is made only at the quarter or semester. This option does not apply to students who have never been enrolled in Centered Services. 

Change of Service Form

If you wish to change your child’s services as described in Option 2, please fill out a Change of Service Form and submit it to the Advanced Learning Office.

Option 3

This option is for students who are enrolled in Centered Services but wish to return to their attendance area or choice school or leave the district to attend private school and no longer receive advanced learning services.

Students will enroll in the same grade at which they are currently enrolled. For example, a student in 6th grade will go back to a 6th grade general education classroom. 

Withdrawal Form

If you wish to completely withdraw your child from advanced learning services, please fill out a Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Advanced Learning Office.

Moving Out of District

Families who move out of the District may apply to remain in the District in accordance with Procedure 3141P – Enrollment – Nonresident Students.

Return Policy

BSD students who withdraw from Advanced Learning services and would like to return, may request to do so by submitting a Re-Enrollment Form.  Along with this form, please also submit all report cards and any standardized tests completed from the time the student left the program to the return date.  All requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and will be reviewed by the multi-disciplinary team.

BSD does not provide deferment of services; students who are identified as needing services and choose not to access them need to participate in the current referral process.

Request for Re-Enrollment Form

If you wish to return your child to advanced learning services, please fill out a Request for Re-Enrollment Form and submit it to the Advanced Learning Office.

Exit Process

The exit process may be initiated for students who no longer demonstrate a need for advanced learning services. A request may be made by a teacher or program administrator for highly capable student placement discontinuation. A Multi-Disciplinary Committee will convene a meeting to review the student’s profile to determine if student needs are best met with advanced learning services based on assessment data and classroom performance. The multi-disciplinary selection committee may request additional evidence of student capabilities and/or willingness to participate in the service option provided. If the committee determines that advanced learning services are no longer appropriate to fit the student’s needs, it may be recommended that the student be exited from services. The parent will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision and of the appeal’s process.

A parent/legal guardian may request that the student be withdrawn from services or a student may voluntarily withdraw from services. If the parent/legal guardian desires to withdraw the student, the student will be exited from services. See Option 3 above for more information.