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Accommodations and Modifications (Section 504)

Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal civil rights law which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It applies to any school which receives federal funds. The intent of this law is to provide students with disabilities equal access to educational programs, services, and activities. Students with disabilities may not be denied participation in school programs and activities solely on the basis of disability.

 Jeff Jorgenson

504 & ADA Compliance Officer
(425) 456-4144


Students who meet the definition of a person with a disability under Section 504 have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, have a record of such an impairment, or are regarded as having such an impairment.

Section 504 Process Flow Chart

1. Any person Refers the Student to the school Guidance Team (GT):

  • Notify your student’s school counselor of your request for 504 consideration
  • Within 25 school days from the date of referral the GT will meet to consider the request

2. GT decides Whether to Refer the Student for a 504 Evaluation:

  • The GT will invite the parent to attend the GT meeting
  • If the GT decides not to evaluate the student the parent will receive a written notice of the team’s decision as well as a copy of the 504 procedural safeguards.
  • If the GT decides to evaluate the student the process continues below

3. Student is evaluated for possible 504 eligibility:

  • The evaluation team must obtain parent/guardian consent to proceed with evaluation
  • The MDT determines the scope of each student’s Section 504
  • Evaluation will be completed within 35 school days

4. Evaluation Team Determines the Student’s Eligibility under Section 504:

  • The evaluation team reviews evaluation data and determines eligibility under Section 504.
  • If the student is eligible under Section 504, the Assistant Principal assumes the role of the Section 504 case manager.
  • Regardless of the evaluation decision the parent/guardian receives a copy of Section 504-Procedural Safeguards.

5. Section 504 Team Develops a Section 504 Accommodation Plan for the Student:

  • Section 504 Team (including parent/guardian and student if appropriate) develops a Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
  • Parent/guardian consent is required before implementation of 504 plan
  • Assistant Principal monitors the Plan implementation and student
  • Parent/guardian is provided a copy of the Section 504 Accommodation Plan.

6. Section 504 Team Annually Reviews the Student’s Section 504 Accommodation Plan:

  • Section 504 team reviews the student’s Section 504 Accommodation Plan at least annually.
  • If the team decides to revise the Plan, the parent/guardian must receive a revised copy of the Plan and Section 504- Procedural Safeguards.

Protections Against Inappropriate Isolation & Restraint

Isolation and restraint of students with IEPs and/or 504 plans will generally be avoided and will not be used as a form of discipline or punishment. In instances when isolation and restraint are necessary to preserve the safety of students and school staff, the district authorizes the use of isolation and restraint under the limited circumstances defined in Policy 3246: EnglishChineseSpanish.

All instances of isolation and restraint of students with IEPs and/or 504 plans must be reported and reviewed, as described in Policy 3246.