School, District and Community Interventions
Attendance Warning Signs
Some of the most common reasons for skipping school are oversleeping, wanting to hang out with friends, bullying and anxiety. Indications that a student may not be attending classes or school could be one or more of the following situations:
- Behind in schoolwork
- Leaving home and /or returning at irregular hours
- Inappropriate school attire
- Early morning personal phone calls
- Refusing to go to school
- Vague health complaints
- Changes in behavior and routine
- Unaware of school calendar, class schedule and assignments
- Never receiving mail from school
- Failing grades
- Keeping close company with non‐school attending friends
- Complaints of conflict with teacher and peers
- Evidence of alcohol and/or drug use
Get Involved to Reduce Truancy
Become a member of the Community Engagement Board (CEB). The CEB meets with students and families to help students take their next-right-steps in their educational journey. Join today to help identify and develop solutions to overcome attendance barriers.
A Community Engagement Board member is a volunteer who is concerned about youth and believes that a community can and should respond to the challenges young people face. Board members serve on panels that interview students who have attendance issues along with their parents in an effort to identify reasons for the student’s failure to attend school.
Time Commitment
Members are asked to commit to being part of a panel of four to six volunteers assigned to a week of the month to meet with a new family and to follow up and review the progress of previously seen students. CEB meetings begin in late September and are held every Wednesday from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Educational Service Center West. CEB members can also chose to be part of the Community School Engagement Workshops held bimonthly on Thursdays between 4:00m and 6:00pm. At these meeting students will get a presentation and then work with community and school staff to develop an agreement.