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6111P: Preschool Program

  • 6000: Management
6111P: Preschool Program

Adoption Date: Jan. 14, 1986

1.0 Preschool Program

The preschool program offered will be designed to meet the developmental needs of children served. Program activities will be based on a developmentally appropriate curriculum in which children will be actively involved in their learning, both mentally and physically. The curriculum will be based on developmental theory and consist of active exploration and investigation, language development, personal discovery and interaction with peers and adults.

1.1 The district's preschool program will operate two and one-half hours daily, and will be offered on the same days as the regular school schedule.

1.2 All children registered will be expected to follow the discipline policy of the elementary school in which the program is housed. This policy will be posted in each preschool and a copy given to parents.

1.3 Nutritious snacks will be served to all preschool students.

1.4 Children who are ill or have fevers may not return to preschool until they have been without a fever for a minimum of twenty-four hours and are well enough to participate in indoor and outdoor activities. Parents will be notified immediately if their children become ill or seriously hurt during preschool hours. In the event a parent cannot be reached, the physician listed in the child's records will be called. If neither the parents nor the family physician can be reached, or if in the judgment of the professional staff member, time does not permit further attempts to reach the parents or the private physician and the situation requires medical attention, then Medic I or the aid car will be called. The aid car personnel can administer needed first aid and call an ambulance if necessary so the student can be taken to the appropriate medical facility for emergency care. Medication will be administered to children only if Form PS 403, Authorization to Handle Medication, is signed by the child's physician.

1.5 Parents will mark their children's personal belongings with their child's name. Staff will monitor children's belongings but neither the staff nor the district will be responsible for lost items.

2.0 Eligibility

The preschool program will be open to the admission of children ages three, four and five upon payment of tuition. Children must be independent in handling their toileting needs to qualify for admission.

3.0 Staffing

Staffing for each preschool program will normally consist of a minimum of two qualified employees, one instructor and one aide. The instructor will have a college degree or an associate degree in Early Childhood Education. Overall program direction, staff training, clerical support, budget and billing activities will be provided at the district level.

4.0 Fees, Billing and Payments

The district will charge a non-refundable registration fee covering September through June for its preschool program and require immunization records for students.

4.1 A copy of the Policies and Procedures outlining preschool program expectations will be included with the first statement. Parents will sign and return the Contractual Agreement Form included with these policies with their first payment.

4.2 Fees will be charged for the district preschool program on a full-time or part-time basis, with a previously selected minimum of two days per week or nine days per month required for part-time.

4.3 Bills will be distributed one week prior to the first of each month. Fees will be due in the program's business office the first of each month for the subsequent month's service. Fees not received within thirty days of the date due will result in a late fee and in a child's termination from the program. Parents will be held responsible for the full month's tuition unless a written notice of withdrawal is provided two weeks prior to the last day of attendance. A contract may be changed only by submitting a contract change form to the business office two weeks prior to a changed attendance plan. A program of attendance must be contracted for the entire month, including vacations or extended absences. Contract changes must be made through the business office.

4.4 Preschool will be offered on the same days as the district's student school year schedule. In the event of district schools being closed, other than on pre-determined holidays, preschool will not operate, but make-up days will be added.

4.5 A parent must complete a separate registration form for each child and each school year.

4.6 Children enrolled in the preschool program are reserving time, space and supplies-- whether or not the child attends. No credit will be given for days a child is not in attendance.

Childcare Program

1.0 Childcare Program

The childcare program offered at each center will be designed to meet the developmental needs of the various age groups served. Experiences will include opportunities for both academic and recreational activities that allow children to make choices. Wherever possible the program will support and enrich the regular school curriculum.

1.1 The district's regular childcare program will operate twelve hours daily--6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.--and remain open throughout the year, except for weekends, national holidays, and two preparation days.

1.2 The district may offer a summer childcare program at selected centers when it is determined there is a need. This decision will be made annually on or before May 15.

1.3 All children registered in childcare will be expected and required to follow the discipline policy of the elementary school in which the program is housed. This policy will be posted in each center and a copy given to parents.

1.4 Nutritious snacks will be served to all childcare enrollees. Fees will not include cost of lunches except for students enrolled full-time in both preschool and childcare. Children not enrolled full-time in both preschool and childcare may purchase Bellevue School District's lunches or bring lunch from home. Milk may also be purchased.

1.5 Children who are ill or have fevers may not return to childcare until they have been without a fever for a minimum of twenty-four hours and are well enough to participate in indoor and outdoor activities. Parents will be notified immediately if their children become ill or seriously hurt during childcare. In the event a parent cannot be reached, the physician listed in the child's records will be called. If neither the parents nor the family physician can be reached, or if in the judgment of the professional staff member time does not permit further attempts to reach the parents or the private physician, and the situation requires medical attention, then Medic I or the aid car will be called. The aid car personnel can administer needed first aid and call an ambulance, if necessary, so the student can be taken to the appropriate medical facility for emergency care. Medication will be administered to children only if Form PS 403, Authorization to Handle Medication, is signed by the child's physician.

1.6 Parents will mark their child's name on all clothing that would be removed during the school day, including blankets. Staff will monitor children's belongings, but neither staff nor the district will be responsible for lost items.

2.0 Eligibility

The childcare program will be open to the admission of all children ages three to eleven upon payment of tuition. Children must be independent in handling their toileting needs to qualify for admission.

3.0 Staffing

Qualified employees will provide overall program direction, staff training, and clerical support.

3.1 Staff in each childcare center will normally be employed at an average ratio of one adult to every ten children. All staff will be trained and experienced in early childhood education.

4.0 Transportation

Bus transportation is not provided except where a bus route exists for the regular educational program and where space is available. Additional stops will not be added.

5.0 Fees, Billing and Payments

The district will charge a non-refundable registration fee covering September through August for its childcare program and require immunization records for children not yet school age.

5.1 A copy of Policies and Procedures outlining childcare program expectations will be included with the first statement. Parents will sign and return the Contractual Agreement Form included with these policies with their first payment.

5.2 Fees will be charged for the district childcare program on a full-time or part-time basis, with a previously selected minimum of two days per week or nine days per month required for part-time. Drop-in care will also be provided with twenty-four hour notice on a space-available basis.

5.3 Bills will be distributed one week prior to the first of each month. Fees will be due in the program's business office the first of each month for the subsequent month's services. Fees not received within thirty days of the due date will result in a late fee and in a child's termination from the program. Parents will be held responsible for the full month's tuition unless a written notice of withdrawal is provided two weeks prior to a changed attendance plan. A contract may be changed only by submitting a contract change form to the business office two weeks prior to a changed attendance plan. A program of attendance must be contracted for the entire month, including vacations or extended absences. Contract changes must be made through the business office.

5.4 A ten percent discount will be given to families with several children enrolled in the program, provided that two or more children are enrolled for full-time childcare, fulltime kindergarten latchkey, or full-time grades one through five latchkey. Latchkey is defined as before and after school childcare for kindergarten, and before and after school childcare for grades one through five.

5.5 Latchkey children attending childcare at times other than their specified contract will be charged for that time.

5.6 Childcare centers will close at 6:30 p.m. Two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) will be assessed for any part of each fifteen minutes a child remains past the 6:30 p.m. closing time. Additional charges based on the hourly drop-in rate will also be assessed to clients overstaying their hourly contract.

5.7 A parent must complete a separate registration form for each child for each summer program and each school-year program.

5.8 Children enrolled in the childcare program are reserving time, space, supplies and staffing, whether or not the child attends. No credit will be given for days a child is not in attendance. An exception will be made and credit will be given only when a child is ill and cannot attend for five consecutive days. An exception will also be made and credit will be given for Bellevue School District's winter break and spring break.