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6102: District Fundraising Activities

  • 6000: Management
6102: District Fundraising Activities

Adoption Date: Sept. 4, 2012

To preserve and to establish district programs and educational opportunities the board authorizes fundraising activities where such programs: (1) promote K-12 education; (2) provide educational experiences for students, and/or (3) address local funding obligations that support the educational mission of the district; (4) and/or promote the effective, efficient, or safe management and operation of the district.

District fundraising activities may include: (1) soliciting gifts and donations that are reasonably related to the pursuit of the district’s objectives; (2) entering into interlocal agreements with other governments which generate additional funds for school district activities; and/or (3) operating various revenue generating enterprises consisting of the sale of goods or services that are produced by, or that are linked to, the district’s educational program. Fundraising programs, including enterprise activities, will be in the best interests of the district and will not interfere with the operation of the district’s programs and functions. District fundraising programs will not conflict with any applicable law and or state or federal constitutional provisions, including the separation of church and state.

This policy governs the establishment and administration of district fundraising for the general fund and for particular programs in the district. It does not address fundraising programs conducted by Parent Teacher Organizations, other non-profit or citizens’ organizations, or the Associated Student Body. Fundraising by the Associated Student Body is addressed by RCW 28A. 325.030 and Board Policy 3510.

The superintendent will establish procedures for the administration of district fundraising programs to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.

Cross Reference

Board Policy 3510 Associated Student Bodies

Board Policy 3530 Fundraising Activities Involving Students

Legal References

RCW 28A.320.015 School Boards of Directors – Powers – Notice of adoption of policy
RCW 28A.320.030 Gifts, conveyances, etc., for scholarship and student aid purposes, receipt and administration
AGO 2003 No. 1 Attorney General’s Opinion

Management Resources

Policy News, December 2003 District Fundraising Activities