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5630P: Use of Volunteers in Schools

  • 5000: Personnel
5630P: Use of Volunteers in Schools

Adoption Date: Aug. 2014
Last Revised: Jan. 2019

Responsibility for the inclusion of volunteers in District schools will reside with the District. The District Mentor and Volunteer Program Coordinator will manage the District online systems for mentoring and volunteering and provide support to building principals for orienting, managing, and recognizing volunteers.

The Bellevue School District has identified the following five (5) categories of volunteers:

  1. Parents and Guardians
  2. Non-Parent Adults
  3. Athletics and Activities Adults
  4. Partner Organization Adults
  5. Mentors

The need for volunteers and the retention of volunteers in schools or school programs will be determined by the school principal or designee. The following requirements apply to all volunteers:

  1. Volunteers must function under the direction of staff members on school campuses or at authorized school activities. In certain circumstances due to program need, principals may approve volunteers to meet with students without the presence of a staff member. In these rare circumstances, the volunteer is required to complete a Washington State Patrol fingerprint check and receive clearance prior to meeting with students.
  2. Mentors and Partner Organization Adults will be coordinated by the Mentor and Volunteer Program Office.
  3. Management of all school assigned volunteers is the responsibility of principals. Training of Parents and Guardians, Non-Parent Adults, and Athletics and Activities Adults will be provided by the principal or by school staff.
  4. All volunteers must complete the district-approved forms available through the district website for each applicable position and be cleared to volunteer prior to working in schools.
  5. All volunteers must complete a background check every third year.
  6. All volunteers are expected to maintain professional boundaries with students consistent with Policy 5253 and Procedure 5253P which will be covered during training provided at the school.

Volunteers may be released from their assignment by the principal or designee without notice based on the best interests of the educational program. While the principal or designee is not required to show cause for removal of a volunteer, the volunteer should be provided with an explanation.