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5401: General Leave and Attendance Incentive Program

  • 5000: Personnel
5401: General Leave and Attendance Incentive Program

Adoption Date: Nov. 20, 2012
Last Revised: Dec. 15, 2022

The district will grant each full-time, certificated, and classified employee of the district general leave days annually in accordance with collective bargaining agreements and state law. When employees are ill or require time away from work for approved absences, employees have an obligation to use their protected leave.

Annual Attendance Incentive

In January of the year following any year in which a minimum of 60 days of general leave is accrued, and each January thereafter, any eligible employee may exercise an option either:

  1. To receive remuneration for unused general leave accumulated in the previous year in an amount equal to one day's monetary compensation of the employee for each four full days of accrued general leave in excess of 60 days; or
  2. To add that year's general leave to the employee accumulated general leave.

All such leave for which the employee receives compensation will be deducted from accumulated general leave at the rate of four days for every one day's monetary compensation.

General Leave Incentive Upon Retirement

An employee may cash-out general leave in accordance with applicable law, at the above rate at the time of separation due to retirement, and, verified by the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS). Such leave will be accrued at the rate of no more than one day per month or as delineated in the applicable collective bargaining agreement or individual employment contract.

The administrator of the estate of a deceased employee may also cash-out all accumulated general leave at the rate of one day's monetary compensation for every four days of leave. A certified copy of the death certificate must be submitted to the district office and proper documentation of court appointment as administrator of the estate.

An employee who is at least age fifty five (55), has ten years of service credit in the retirement system, and is a member of a Plan 3 retirement plan under DRS, or is at least age fifty-five, has at least fifteen years of service credit in the retirement system and is a member of a Plan 2 retirement plan under DRS may cash-out accumulated sick leave at the rate of one day’s monetary compensation for every four days of leave at the time of separation from employment.

Legal References:

RCW 28A.400.210 Employee attendance incentive program — Remuneration or benefit plan for unused sick leave
RCW 28A.400.300 Hiring and discharging of employees — Written leave policies — Seniority and leave benefits, of employees transferring between school districts and other educational employers
Chapter 392-136-025 WAC Finance — Conversion of Accumulated Sick Leave
AGO 1964 No.98 Sick leave for certificated and noncertificated employees
AGO 1980 No.22 Limitation on compensated leave for school district employees