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5240: Evaluation of Staff

  • 5000: Personnel
5240: Evaluation of Staff

Adoption Date: Nov. 20, 2012

Evaluation of Staff

The superintendent will develop a system for evaluating staff. Such a system will provide for supervisory assignments for staff evaluation; observations; evaluation of new staff; criteria and related forms to be used for evaluating teachers, educational staff associates, and classified staff; observation and evaluation procedures; and probationary action; and non-renewal procedures.

Evaluation of Non-administrative Certificated Staff

Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, the board will establish a revised evaluation process using a four-tier professional growth and development system for all certificated classroom teachers and certificated support personnel. The evaluation system will use the minimum criteria developed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The four-tiered system will describe the performance of certificated teachers along a continuum that indicates the extent to which evaluative criteria have been met or exceeded.

All principals and administrators with staff evaluation responsibilities will be appropriately trained and will be expected to demonstrate the necessary skills to implement the staff evaluation plan of the district. The superintendent will annually report to the Board on the District’s evaluation plan for all administrative units.

Individuals will be evaluated using the criteria contained in the District/BEA collective bargaining agreement.

Evaluation of Administrative Staff

Each administrator will be evaluated annually in order to provide guidance and direction to the administrator in the performance of his/ her assignment. Such evaluation will be based on his/her job description, accomplishment of annual goals and performance objectives, and established evaluative criteria.

All administrators will participate in the TPEP using the new state evaluation criteria. Beginning with the 2013-2014 school, the board will develop evaluative criteria for all superintendents, principals and other administrators. It is the responsibility of superintendent or his/her designee to evaluate all administrators. Prior to the beginning of the school year, the superintendent will inform the administrator of the criteria to be used for evaluation purposes, including the adopted goals for the district. Such criteria will include: creating school culture; ensuring school safety; planning with data; aligning curriculum; improving instruction; managing resources; engaging communities; and closing the gap.

Evaluation of Classified Staff

Criteria for evaluating classified staff will be based upon the job description of the specific assignment and the procedures outlined in collective bargaining agreements.

Cross References:

Board Policy 5230 Job Descriptions/Responsibilities

Board Policy 5280 Termination of Employment

Board Policy 5520 Staff Development

Legal References:

RCW 28A.405.100 Minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated employees, including administrators — Procedure — Scope — Models — Penalty
RCW 28A.405.110 Evaluations — Legislative findings
RCW 28A.405.120 Training for evaluators
RCW 28A.405.130 Training in evaluation procedures required
WAC 392-191-010 Minimum evaluation criteria — certificated classroom teachers
WAC 392-191-020 Minimum evaluation criteria — certificated support personnel
WAC 392-191-035 Conduct of the Evaluation
WAC 392-191-045 Use of Evaluation Results