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5222: Job-Sharing Staff Members

  • 5000: Personnel
5222: Job-Sharing Staff Members

Adoption Date: Nov. 20, 2012

A job-sharing assignment is the shared performance of the duties of one full-time, regular position by employees.

The superintendent is responsible for recommending to the board when the best interests of the district would be served by creating a job-sharing assignment for a particular position.

Employees sharing a position will sign a job-sharing contract to be developed by the superintendent. The contract will identify contingencies which may arise during the course of employment including, but not limited to, absence or resignation of one of the job-sharing employees, computation of employee benefits, and responsibility for participation in staff meetings and committees. The purpose of such contract is to address potential conflicts in an equitable manner in advance of actual conflicts.

The district reserves the authority to:

  1. Determine the number of job-sharing positions, if any, within the district;
  2. Require job-sharing employees to attend staff training or other staff development activities;
  3. Abolish any job-sharing assignment, or change a job-sharing position to a full time position held by one employee, at the sole discretion of the district;
  4. Consider any request to create a job-sharing position in a position currently held by one employee, or vice versa;
  5. Require job-sharing staff members to work full-time in the event of the termination or resignation of one of the job-sharing staff members, or until such time as a replacement can be hired, at the sole discretion of the district.

The conditions provided by this policy are not intended to discourage job sharing nor to impose disproportionate burdens upon job-sharing staff members. The superintendent will establish job sharing procedures which describe the duties, responsibilities, salaries and benefits for individuals sharing a position. 

Cross References:

Board Policy 5000 Recruitment and Selection of Staff

Board Policy 5005 Employment: Disclosures, Certification, Assurances and Approval

Board Policy 5211 Transfers

Legal References:

RCW 28A.400.300 Hiring and discharging employees — Written leaves policies — Seniority and leave benefits of employees transferring between school districts and other educational employers
28A.405.070 Job Sharing