3413: Student Immunization
- 3000: Students
Adoption Date: Sept. 18, 2012
Last Revised: Aug. 6, 2019
Student Immunization In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the Board requires a student to present evidence of his/her having been vaccinated against, or provide documentation of immunity against each vaccine-preventable disease listed in WAC 246-105- 030.
The District shall allow for exemptions from immunization requirements only as allowed for by RCW 28A.210.090.
The District will exclude students from school only as allowed for by RCW 28A.210.120 and WAC 392-380-050.
Vaccination Information Distribution
The District will provide parents and guardians of students in sixth grade and above with information about meningococcal disease and human papillomavirus (HPV). Information will be available on the District website and at schools, and will address the characteristics of the disease; where to find additional information about the disease; vaccinations for children; and current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding receiving the vaccine.
The superintendent or designee will develop procedures necessary to implement this policy.
Cross References
- Board Policy 2100 Educational Opportunities for Military Children
- 2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- 2162 Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504
- 3241 Classroom Management, Corrective Actions or Punishment
Legal References
- Chapter 28A.210 RCW Health — Screening and requirements
- Chapter 246-105 WAC Immunization of child care and school children against certain vaccine preventable diseases
- WAC 392-182 Student — Health records 392-380 Public school pupils — Immunization requirement and life-threatening health