3411: Life Threatening Health Conditions
- 3000: Students
Adoption Date: Aug. 26, 2012
Prior to attendance at school, each child with a life-threatening health condition will present a medication / treatment order from a licensed health care provider addressing the condition. A life-threatening health condition means a condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication / treatment order providing authority to a registered nurse and a nursing care plan are not in place.
Following submission of the medication / treatment order, a nursing care plan will be developed.
Students who have a life-threatening health condition and no medication or treatment order presented to the school will be excluded from school, to the extent that the district can do so consistent with federal requirements for students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and according to the due process requirements in procedure 3411P.
The superintendent or designee will develop procedures necessary to implement this policy.
Cross References
- Board Policy 2100 Educational Opportunities for Military Children
- 2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- 2162 Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504
- 3241 Classroom Management, Corrective Actions or Punishment
- 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention
Legal References
- RCW 28A.210.320 Children with life-threatening health conditions Medication or treatment orders— Rules.
- WAC 392-182 Student — Health records
- WAC 392-380 Public school pupils — Immunization requirement and life-threatening health condition