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3142P: International Student Exchange

  • 3000: Students
3142P: International Student Exchange

Last Revised: June 2023

The Bellevue School District does not ask for nor verify the immigration status of our students.

The District does not accept students on F1 Visas and does not participate in the Federal I-20 reporting program. Additionally, the District recommends that students who are visiting the United States on either a temporary or tourist visa (B1 or B2) not enroll in school. Doing so may violate the terms of the visa and result in the visa holder being permanently denied visas to the enter the United States in the future. The District recommends that students on a B1 or B2 visa see independent or legal advice prior to enrolling in school.

The Bellevue School District will work with International Exchange Organizations, registered with the Washington State Secretary of State’s office, to enroll students on J1 visas.

Number of International Exchange Students accepted to the Bellevue School District

The District determines the number of international exchange students for placement in each school based on projected enrollment numbers and the capacity of the school to integrate the international student in a way that is beneficial for all.

The Bellevue School District will accept up to four (4) students, in grades 11 and 12, in the high schools that are projected to be “open” schools for the upcoming school year in spring prior to the start of the school year. The District will only accept full-year exchange students. Deviations to these requirements must be approved by the Chief of Schools.

Selection of International Exchange Organizations

  1. The District will only accept students from international exchange organizations registered with the Office of the Secretary of State of Washington State. (A list of such organizations is available on the website of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction at; and
  2. The international exchange organization must be a member in good standing with the Council of Standards for International Education Travel (CSIET).

Timing of Placement Process

  1. An international exchange organization wishing to enroll an international exchange student in a school in the District will submit to the attendance area school of the host family a request which provides a complete program description, including the name, address, and telephone number of the local representative as well as documentation that they are in good standing with CSIET and with the State of Washington. The school must receive the application by April 1 for students planning to attend the following school year. The principal will approve or deny students by May 1 for the upcoming school year. Host families must enroll the exchange student by June 1.
  2. The building principal, in consultation with the Chief of Schools or designee, will review the application. The District will provide notification of approval or denial in writing to the program representative in a timely manner, but no later than June 1. The District may place a student at a school other than the attendance area school.

District Expectations of International Exchange Organizations

International Exchange Organizations recognize that:

  1. Home-stay placement of international exchange students rests entirely with the sponsoring agency and any placement issues, host family changes/transfers, and other issues arising from host family placement or personal, family, or school difficulties rests entirely with the sponsoring agency and not with the District.
  2. Specialized College Board Tests, International Student College Applications, and any other state, federal, or international requirements pertaining to any international exchange student’s decision to remain in the United States to work or attend college, is solely the responsibility of the sponsoring agency.
  3. All international exchange agreements with sponsoring agencies will be recognized as “At Will” agreements. Should an agreement no longer be mutually in the best interest of the student or the school, the principal may make a recommendation to the Chief of Schools or designee for dissolution. If the sponsoring agency is dissatisfied with a dissolution agreement, it may file a complaint consistent with Policy 4220. Any expenses associated with a termination of agreement rest entirely with the sponsoring agency.
  4. If the organization places a student who, upon arrival, is deemed by the District to be deficient in English language proficiency, the organization will do one of the following:
  • Terminate the student’s placement OR
  • Provide, and pay for, tutorial help until the student reaches proficiency, as determined by the District.

Each International Exchange Organization must:

A. For the District:

  1. Each year, obtain written school enrollment authorization for student placements before confirming a placement with a host family;
  2. Follow district policy on placement timing and requirements;
  3. Maintain a qualified and trained local representative with responsibility for each student including ongoing communication with the school and responding to school needs;
  4. Provide the name, address and telephone number of the local program representative who will provide emergency, advisory and liaison services to the district;
  5. Provide the name, address, email address and telephone number of the student's host family to the District.
    • For the duration of the exchange, the student must reside with one host family which has legal residence in the District for the entire school year (no “Welcome Families” permitted), unless an emergency exception is made by the superintendent or designee.
    • The superintendent or designee may grant an exception in advance of placement to the one host per student requirement, but host families must meet all policy requirements.
    • For the purpose of placing international exchange students, district residents are defined as those persons who reside within the boundaries of the “open” high school.
    • The District’s preference is that the sponsoring agency places international exchange students with host families where one or more students from that host family attends the open high school.
    • The student must accept limitations on normal course and program enrollment options otherwise available to regularly enrolled students to ensure the student’s attendance substantially and directly benefits the educational and cultural experiences of the District’s high school students; for example, the student may be denied permission to participate in the Running Start, alternative education, or other programs conducted off-site or otherwise limit the student’s daily interaction with the standard program offered District high school students.

B. For the Host Family:

  1. Arrange host family placements before exchange students leave their home country.
  2. Personally interview and screen all potential host families, matching student and family interests and personalities.
  3. Maintain ongoing contact with the host family and student.
  4. Work with the host family to ensure the student has arrived in Bellevue prior to the start of the school year so that they are ready to attend school on the first day of school.

C. For the Student:

  1. Screen and place exchange students based on their academic interests and abilities and not knowingly place exchange students based solely on their athletic interest and/or abilities.
  2. Prepare exchange students, including providing an orientation to the U.S., Washington state, the school and academic expectations.
  3. Ensure that the student will receive adequate financial support for the duration of their stay in the District.
  4. Ensure that exchange students have medical and accident insurance that meets or exceeds U.S. Department of State guidelines.
  5. Ensure that exchange students arrive in their host homes and school placements prior to the first day of classes.
  6. Monitor student progress during the school year and respond to issues or problems as they develop.
  7. Provide any necessary student tutorial help and support services. Should tutoring/multilingual or accommodations are needed, the organization must make arrangements and accept financial responsibility for such services.
  8. Inform the student of student activity costs and/or fees as required by the District.
  9. Should the assurances or documentation provided by an organization/sponsor prove invalid, the exchange student will immediately be sent home and the relationship with the organization terminated. The burden of proof rests with the sponsoring organization.

Each international exchange student must:

  1. Be qualified to participate in general education classes and maintain a typical schedule. This means the student must have an acceptable level of proficiency in the English language, a commitment to treat coursework as important, and the social skills to enjoy participation in social and extra-curricular activities.
    1. All international exchange students will be required to take a full schedule of 7 courses.
    2. Academic course selection will be made based upon recommendations and counselor expertise, exchange student input, academic transcript and record information, course availability, and class size considerations. Based on the needs of the school and on student interest, the counselor and principal reserve the right to amend, change, or alter student schedules.
  2. Understand that eligibility of international exchange students to participate in interscholastic athletics and activities is determined by the rules and regulations of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association.
  3. Attain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA by the end of first semester.
  4. Know and follow all school policies and rules. Know and follow all federal regulations related to their visa.
  5. International exchange student will not be awarded a high school diploma. The school principal will determine whether it is appropriate for 12th grade students to participate in graduation ceremonies.
  6. Pay all normal expenses, including standard course and extra-curricular activity fees.
  7. Present required paperwork, medical records as applicable, transcripts and host family information, to the District staff designated to coordinate the international exchange program.
  8. Understand that enrollment eligibility for international exchange students in public schools is for one school year only.

School Responsibilities

  1. Schools are expected to provide international exchange students with all rights and privileges accorded to resident students - except the right to a diploma.