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3120.2P: Choice School & Program Enrollment

  • 3000: Students
3120.2P: Choice School & Program Enrollment

Last Updated: Dec. 2023

This procedure applies to all Choice Schools and Programs offered through the District.


Admission to the Choice Schools and Programs offered through the District will be granted to those students selected under this procedure.

Initial entry is through a lottery process and begins in kindergarten for elementary schools and programs: Jing Mei- Mandarin Dual Language, Puesta del Sol- Spanish Immersion, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest, Stevenson- Spanish Dual Language, Heritage Language Program: Ardmore Arabic Bilingual Program, Hindi Bilingual Program and Newport Heights- Korean Bilingual Program and in sixth grade for secondary schools: Bellevue Big Picture and International School.

Non-entry grade level students may submit a waitlist application. Waitlist applicants will be placed on the bottom of the appropriate waitlist by their current grade level in the order received.

At the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office, each school may admit students on a space available basis from the waitlist into grades other than the entry grades.

Generally, once admitted into a Choice School or Program, the student may remain in the program through graduation provided they remain in good standing, unless the student moves out of the District.

If a student is withdrawn from a Choice School or Program for any reason, the student may forfeit their place at the school. Should the student wish to apply for readmission at a later date, the family must establish residency in the District and submit a waitlist application, if there is no waitlist and there is capacity in the requested grade, the student may be readmitted at the principal' s discretion in conjunction with Student Placement. Students in language-based programs will be evaluated for their language proficiency prior to being readmitted.

Big Picture, International, Jing Mei, Puesta del Sol, Spanish Dual Language, Heritage Language Program

Who may apply

  1. All applicants applying to a Choice School or Program must be residents of the Bellevue School District at the time of application.
  2. If, after acceptance to the school, residency cannot be established for the address used when applying by the time frame allotted, the applicant will forfeit their place and it will be offered to the next applicant on the waitlist.
  3. Nonresident children of eligible employees of the District shall follow the application procedure set forth for residents of the District. For the purposes of student enrollment eligible employees in the District are defined as: classified employees who work 16 hours or more per week for a minimum of 180 days and certificated employees who work .4 FTE or greater; employment status will be verified with Human Resources.
  4. In accordance with State law, children of eligible employees who work at a Choice School or Program (Big Picture, International, Jing Mei, Puesta del Sol or in a Spanish Dual Language Program or the Heritage Language Program: Arabic, Hindi or Korean Bilingual Programs) will be admitted to the school and program of eligible employment if the employee so requests; for language programs demonstration of grade level proficiency is required. The student may continue in the program through graduation providing they maintain employee status (Procedure 3141P, B. Nonresident Children of District Employees). The overall enrollment target for the grade level shall be raised by one for each such nonresident student enrolled in the school in any given year.
  5. The District website will indicate if the school is accepting applications from nonresident students for the upcoming school year. If there is space available after all resident students have been placed, nonresident students may be offered placement.
  6. Due to the nature of Choice Schools and Programs and the expected commitment, full time enrollment is required. Therefore, home-based and private school students are not eligible to enroll in a Choice School or Program.
  7. Per State Law and District Policy 3110, a child must be 5 years old on or before August 31 of the year of entry to kindergarten; if the date of birth is on or before October 31, early entrance assessments are available to Bellevue School District Residents and children of eligible nonresident District employees as outlined in District Procedure 3110.1P. Underage students whose names are selected via the lottery may only enroll if they qualify through the early entrance assessment. Being selected via the lottery is not a valid reason to appeal the results of the early entrance assessment should the child not pass.

Jing Mei, Spanish Dual Language

Application process

  1. Annually a period of approximately 6 weeks will be established and communicated by the Student Placement office via the District website. All eligible submissions received will be acted upon at the close of the Choice Schools and Programs application period.
  2. Applications for initial entry will be accepted through an online process via the District website. Families who do not have online access may use a kiosk at any school or at the District office. If additional assistance is needed families may contact Student Placement to ensure their student's information is entered into the online application.
  3. Students at the appropriate entry grade level may apply to all the Choice Schools or Programs available.
  4. Only one application to each Choice School or Program per student will be accepted. Multiple applications to the same Choice School or Program for the same student will result in all applications being rejected.
  5. Applications submitted by nonresident students for Choice Schools or Programs not accepting nonresident students will not be considered.

Sibling Priority

  1. All siblings of students already attending the school must apply. Siblings who do not apply during the application period are not eligible for sibling priority for the upcoming school year. They may submit a transfer waitlist application and will be considered for enrollment with sibling priority for the next school year.
  2. Preference for enrollment in a Choice School or Program is given to students who are residents of the Bellevue School District and who have siblings continuing enrollment at a Choice School or Program for the next school year. In all Choice Schools and Programs initial offers with sibling priority will be capped at 50% of the incoming class.
  3. When invoking sibling priority, it is understood that if selected, the siblings will attend the Choice School or Program together for a minimum of one school year. This applies to applicants of any grade.
  4. Resident applicants who have a sibling attending the desired Choice School or Program must provide the sibling’s name when completing their application.
  5. All eligible incoming siblings who have applied will be included in the general lottery. The family will have a choice to invoke sibling priority for the applying sibling after the lottery has been conducted. If the incoming sibling is not selected by lottery, sibling priority may be invoked for admittance.
  6. If, during the one-year enrollment period, the sibling first admitted to the Choice School or Program makes a discretionary transfer to another school or withdraws, the student admitted by the sibling priority will be withdrawn and re-instated to their prior position on the waitlist. If there are applicants above them on the waitlist, the sibling must transfer to another school, generally their attendance area school; at the end of the semester for middle and high school programs and following a school break for elementary school programs. The applicant next on the waitlist may be offered enrollment following the guidelines in the "Waitlist Procedure" and "Admission from the Waitlist" described below. 

Jing Mei, Puesta del Sol, Spanish Dual Language

Lottery Procedure

  1. All applications received during the application period will be considered equally and all eligible applicants will be placed in a perpetual lottery by Choice School or Program, then placed on the requested school or program list in order of their perpetual lottery number. The hierarchy established by the perpetual lottery number will persist for each class from year to year. All lotteries are held at the District office and are not public events.
  2. Applicants with priority, children of eligible employees that work at the school or in the program and those having sibling preference will be moved to the top of each list.
  3. Available spots will be offered to students by their list order, the list of those not offered placement will become the waitlist.

Big Picture, International, Jing Mei, Puesta del Sol, Spanish Dual Language

School Acceptance

  1. Applicants will be notified of their placement offer to the Choice School or Program via the email address provided on the application. Applicants without email access will be notified by phone.
  2. Parents will have one week to accept the placement offer. If there is no reply or if the offer is declined, it will be rescinded, and offered to the next student on the waitlist.
  3. Students new to the District will be required to establish residency and enroll in 2 weeks or within the timeframe communicated by Student Placement. Failure to do so in the timeframe communicated may result in the offer being rescinded.

Big Picture

Waitlist Procedure

It is important to note that waitlists are dynamic, meaning your waitlist position can move up or down based on the actions and priorities of all other applicants.

  1. The list of applicants who were not offered placement will revert to the waitlist. Applicants not selected will be notified of their waitlist number via the email address provided on the application. Applicants who do not have email access will be notified of their waitlist status by phone.
  2. Applicants who are admitted to a Choice School or Program will be removed from waitlists for all other Choice Schools or Programs.
  3. The waitlists for entering grades (kindergarten or 6th) will be perpetual; all grade level waitlists will be rolled-up each year to the next grade level. New applicants will be added to the bottom of existing school or program waitlists by grade level as received for possible entry in the fall for the upcoming school year. The sibling priority will apply as defined above.
  4. Waitlist applicants may receive yearly communication from the District or school to affirm their intent to retain their place on the waitlist and must respond by the requested date or be removed from the waitlist.
  5. In all instances, failure to confirm intent to remain on the waitlist by the requested date will result in the student being removed from the waitlist.

Jing Mei, Puesta del Sol, Spanish Dual Language, Heritage Language Program

Admission from the Waitlist

  1. Admission from the waitlist for the current school year may be offered if space becomes available at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office; incoming kindergarten waitlist placements for language programs will not be offered after the end of the first quarter.
  2. Admission from the perpetual waitlist for the upcoming school year may be offered if space becomes available at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office.
  3. Students in language-based programs will be assessed for their language ability and will only be admitted if they meet the grade level language qualifications.

Jing Mei, Puesta del Sol, Spanish Dual Language, Heritage Language Program

Nonresident Students

  1. If the school or program is accepting applications from nonresident students, these applications will not be considered until all applications from resident students and children of eligible employees have been placed. In some cases, placement offers to nonresident students may not occur until just before school starts.
  2. Nonresident applicants will be placed on a nonresident waitlist in the order received. The nonresident waitlist will function in the same manner as the resident waitlist. 
  3. Once accepted, nonresident students may continue in the approved choice school/program feeder pattern through graduation providing they remain in good standing and submit the required nonresident paperwork each year. If the approved choice program feeds to two schools at the next school level, the next level school assignment will be determined by the District depending on capacity at the time of transfer.
  4. Sibling priority does not apply for nonresident students.
  5. Parents of nonresident students must submit a Choice Transfer Request to their resident district each year they are enrolled in the Bellevue School District when requested by Student Placement.

Students who move out of District

  1. Continued enrollment is not guaranteed for students enrolled as Bellevue School District residents who subsequently move outside the district boundaries. These students must update their address through the ParentVUE Data Verification Process.
  2. If the parent wants the student to remain at the current school, if the criteria for consideration of nonresident applications have been met, they will be directed to submit a Choice Transfer Request to the school district in which they live. If the criteria for consideration of nonresident applications have not been met, students may need to leave the school and District at the end of the semester, or earlier if the parent so desires.
  3. In compliance with District Procedure 3141P, any student who has attended the Choice School or Program as a resident student for a minimum of two years and moves out of the District during the last two grades of that grade span (e.g., grades 4 or 5 for elementary, 8 for middle or 11 or 12 for high school) may continue to attend that school until they have completed the highest grade for that level.
  4. Decisions regarding continuing enrollment will be made according to the actual date of the move. To apply this to the above procedure, the move must be after the student completes the qualifying school year.
  5. If, at the time a resident student is enrolled, their cohort accepted nonresident students they will receive special consideration to remain in the Choice School or Program.

Big Picture, International

Bellevue Big Picture


  1. The Bellevue Big Picture School is designed as a seven-year integrated program commencing in 6th grade and continuing through 12th grade.
  2. If space is available, admission in grades 9-12 will only be offered for the beginning of the school year at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office.
  3. Students admitted after 6th grade may need to complete extra courses to fulfill the Bellevue Big Picture graduation requirements.

Lottery Procedure

  1. The goal of the Bellevue Big Picture School is to have a diverse student body. Accordingly, to ensure socioeconomic diversity, 19 percent of the enrollment positions will be reserved for students who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Parents may consent to disclose free and reduced-price meal eligibility to the District as part of the application process. This consent will be limited to the application process and all information will be held confidential as provided by Federal and State law. Parents may also choose to not provide this consent and their applications will be processed without consideration of socioeconomic status. To ensure geographic representation from across the District (North, South, East and West) all remaining applicants will be put in a random lottery according to the location of their home address. The District will ensure that there is a gender balance of not greater than 10 percent difference among all the names drawn in each lottery. The District may be required to equalize the gender balance to comply with Federal and State law.
  2. The number of openings for each grade for each school year will be based upon a total enrollment target of 525+/- 10 students. Up to 80 students will be enrolled in each grade. For exceptional circumstances, these numbers may be adjusted with a target of no more than +/- 10 students at the principal's discretion in conjunction with the Student Placement office. Middle school enrollment will be offered from the waitlist for each grade up to 80 students per grade for grades 6-8. Enrollment in high school will be offered to students on the waitlist as space is available.

School Acceptance

1. Incoming 6th grade students who are accepted to the Bellevue Big Picture School via the lottery may be given the opportunity to attend an informational interview, tour and/or shadow day. If space becomes available in other grades, applicants may be given the opportunity to meet with the school.

Students who move out of District

  1. Students enrolled as Bellevue School District residents who subsequently move outside the district boundaries will be allowed to attend the Bellevue Big Picture School through the end of the current school year providing the required nonresident paperwork is submitted.
  2. Middle school students must have completed 6th and 7th grades as resident students at Bellevue Big Picture School to be guaranteed for 8th grade. High school students must have completed 9th and 10th grades as resident students at Bellevue Big Picture School to be guaranteed for 11th and 12th grades.

International School


  1. The International School is designed as a seven-year integrated program commencing in 6th grade and continuing through 12th grade.
  2. If space is available, admission in grades 7-9 will only be offered for the beginning of the school year at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office.
  3. Students admitted after 6th grade into grades 7-9 may need to complete extra courses to fulfill the International graduation requirements. Students will not be admitted in grades 10 through 12.

Lottery Procedure

  1. The number of openings by grade for each school year will be based upon a total enrollment target of 585 +/- 10 students. Approximately 265 students will be enrolled in middle school grades 6-8 and the remainder in high school grades 9-10. For exceptional circumstances, these numbers may be adjusted with a target of no more than +/- 10 students at the principal's discretion in conjunction with the Student Placement office.
  2. Middle school enrollment will be offered for incoming 6th grade up to 92 students. Subsequently from the waitlist for each grade up to 85 students per grade for grades 6-8. Admission in grades 7-9 will be offered to students on the waitlist to begin the new school year as space is available at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office.

Students who move out of District

  1. Students enrolled as Bellevue School District residents who subsequently move outside the district boundaries will be allowed to attend the International School through the end of the current school year providing the required nonresident paperwork is submitted.
  2. Middle school students must have completed 6th and 7th grades as resident students at International School to be guaranteed for 8th grade. High school students must have completed 9th and 10th grades as resident students at International School to be guaranteed for 11th and 12th grades.

Jing Mei


  1. Students in the Mandarin Dual Language Program are taught the standard Bellevue School District curriculum but receive instruction in both Mandarin and English. They learn to understand, speak, read and write in both Mandarin and English.
  2. Enrollment in the Pre-K Mandarin Program does not determine preferential enrollment in the Mandarin Dual Language Program.

Who May Apply

  1. The Mandarin Dual Language Program seeks to serve students in a learning environment where 50% of the students in a kindergarten class are Mandarin proficient and 50% are non-Mandarin proficient.
  2. In order to gain the academic and linguistic achievement expected from this program it is important to enroll students from the different language backgrounds to reach the required balance of students and preserve the academic and linguistic integrity of the model.
  3. Mandarin speakers accepted in the lottery must pass a Mandarin oral language proficiency screening before they will be admitted. If they do not pass, they will be reinstated to the non-Mandarin proficient waitlist in order of their perpetual ranking, if they so desire.

Sibling Priority - Lottery Procedure

In order to achieve the program learning environment of a 50/50 split between Mandarin proficient and non-Mandarin proficient students in each kindergarten class, applicants will be admitted in two language groups.

Applicants with siblings in grades K-4 at the time of the lottery have first-tier priority and those with siblings in grades 5-11 at the time of the lottery have second-tier priority. First-tier applicants not admitted in the general lottery may choose to invoke sibling priority for admittance.

  1. All eligible applicants will be included in a general lottery and placed on a perpetual lottery list by lottery number.
  2. Qualified applicants will be moved to their respective language group list in order of their perpetual lottery number.
  3. Applicants with priority, children of eligible Jing Mei employees and siblings who have invoked sibling priority, will be moved to the top of each list.
  4. First-tier siblings may be offered initial placement up to 50% of the incoming class. If the number exceeds 50%, up to 50% will be offered placement by the order of their perpetual lottery number. The remaining first-tier applicants, followed by all second-tier applicants, will be placed at the top of the waitlist in order of their perpetual lottery number.
  5. If the percentage of first-tier applicants offered initial placement does not reach 50%, second- tier applicants will fill the remaining spaces up to 50%. If there are more second-tier applicants than spaces they will be admitted up to the remaining 50% in the order of their perpetual lottery number, the remaining second-tier applicants will be placed on the top of the waitlist in the order of their perpetual lottery number.

Waitlist Procedure - Admission from the Waitlist

  1. Admission from the waitlist will require an assessment of the applicant's language proficiency to determine if they can be successfully integrated into the classroom and school.
  2. If a kindergarten seat becomes vacant after the beginning of school, it will be filled with a waitlist student from the same language group. If it is before the end of the first quarter of the District calendar, language screening will not be required for non-Mandarin proficient students. Mandarin proficient students will need to pass a Mandarin proficiency screening in order to enroll.
  3. Additional kindergarten students will generally not be placed from the waitlist after the first quarter of the District calendar.
  4. After the first quarter, the kindergarten language group waitlists will be combined by order of perpetual lottery number. When combining the two language group lists after the first quarter or replacing a student on the waitlist due to sibling priority disqualification or waitlist removal error, the hierarchy of perpetual lottery numbers will be used.
  5. If a seat becomes available, it will be filled for the next school year at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office; Mandarin proficiency screening will be required for admission.
  6. The waitlist applicants will receive communication from the District to affirm their intent to retain their place on the waitlist and must respond by the requested date. Parents will be asked to use serious consideration regarding their student's ability to pass the grade level Mandarin proficiency screening before requesting to remain on the waitlist.

Puesta del Sol


  1. Students in the Spanish Immersion Program are taught the standard Bellevue School District curriculum but receive instruction in Spanish. As they progress through the Program, additional instruction will be in English.
  2. Enrollment in the Pre-K Spanish Program or the Spanish Dual Language Program does not determine preferential enrollment in the Spanish Immersion Program.

Sibling Priority - Lottery Procedure

Applicants with siblings in grades K-4 at the time of the lottery have first-tier priority and those with siblings in grades 5-11 at the time of the lottery have second-tier priority. First-tier applicants not admitted in the general lottery may choose to invoke sibling priority for admittance.

  1. All eligible applicants will be included in a general lottery and placed on a perpetual lottery list by lottery number.
  2. First-tier sibling applicants who are not admitted in the general lottery may choose to invoke sibling priority for admittance.
  3. Applicants with priority, children of eligible Puesta del Sol employees and siblings who have invoked sibling priority, will be moved to the top of the list.
  4. First-tier siblings may be offered initial placement up to 50% of the incoming class. If the number exceeds 50%, up to 50% will be offered placement by the order of their perpetual lottery number. The remaining first-tier applicants, followed by all second-tier applicants, will be placed at the top of the waitlist in order of their perpetual lottery number.
  5. If the percentage of first-tier applicants does not reach 50%, second-tier applicants will fill the remaining spaces up to 50%. If there are more second-tier applicants than spaces they will be admitted up to 50% in the order of their perpetual lottery number, the remaining second-tier applicants will be placed on the top of the waitlist in the order of their perpetual lottery number.

Waitlist Procedure - Admission from the Waitlist 

  1. Admission from the waitlist will require an assessment of the applicant's language proficiency to determine if they can be successfully integrated into the classroom and school.
  2. If a kindergarten seat becomes vacant after the beginning of school, it will be filled with a waitlist student. If it is before the end of the first quarter of the District calendar language screening will not be required.
  3. Additional kindergarten students will generally not be placed from the waitlist after the first quarter of the District calendar.
  4. After the first quarter, the waitlist for the remaining incoming kindergarten applicants will become perpetual. If a seat becomes available, it will be filled for the next school year at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office; Spanish proficiency screening will be required for admission.
  5. The waitlist applicants will receive communication from the District to affirm their intent to retain their place on the waitlist and must respond by the requested date. Parents will be asked to use serious consideration regarding their student's ability to pass the grade level Spanish proficiency screening before requesting to remain on the waitlist.

Spanish Dual Language Program


  1. Students in the Spanish Dual Language Program are taught the standard Bellevue School District curriculum but receive instruction both in Spanish and English. They learn to understand, speak, read, and write both in Spanish and English.
  2. Enrollment in the Pre-K Spanish Program or the Spanish Immersion School is not a condition which determines preferential enrollment in the Spanish Dual Language Program.

Who May Apply

  1. The Spanish Dual Language Program seeks to serve both Spanish proficient and non Spanish proficient students, in a learning environment in which 50% of the students in a kindergarten class are Spanish proficient and 50% are non-Spanish proficient.
  2. In order to gain the academic and linguistic achievement that is expected from this type of program it is important to enroll students from the different language backgrounds to reach the required balance of students and preserve the academic and linguistic integrity of the model.

Sibling Priority - Lottery Procedure 

In order to achieve the program learning environment of a 50/50 split between Spanish proficient and non-Spanish proficient students in each kindergarten class, applicants will be admitted in two language groups.

Applicants with siblings in grades K-4 at the time of the lottery have first-tier priority and those with siblings in grades 5-11 at the time of the lottery have second-tier priority. First-tier applicants not admitted in the general lottery may choose to invoke sibling priority for admittance.

  1. All eligible applicants will be included in a general lottery and placed on a perpetual lottery list by lottery number.
  2. Qualified applicants will be moved to their respective language group list in order of their perpetual lottery number.
  3. Applicants with priority, children of eligible Spanish Dual Language employees at the elementary level and siblings who have invoked sibling priority, will be moved to the top of each list.
  4. First-tier siblings may be offered initial placement up to 50% of the incoming class. If the number exceeds 50%, up to 50% will be offered placement by perpetual lottery number. The remaining first-tier applicants, followed by all second-tier applicants, will be placed at the top of the waitlist in order of their perpetual lottery number.
  5. If the percentage of first-tier applicants offered initial placement does not reach 50%, second-tier applicants will fill the remaining spaces up to 50%. If there are more second-tier applicants than spaces they will be admitted up to remaining 50% in the order of their perpetual lottery number, the remaining second-tier applicants will be placed on the top of the waitlist in the order of their perpetual lottery number.
  6. Next preference for kindergarten enrollment in the Spanish Dual Language Program will be given to applicants living in the attendance areas of the Spanish Dual Language Schools.
  7. Applicants who live in the attendance area of a Spanish Dual Language school, whose preferred school is not their attendance area school, will remain on the waitlist by their perpetual waitlist number.
  8. The first applicant on the waitlist will be placed at their preferred school if space is available; if not, will be given first choice of available spaces at the other Spanish Dual Language Program schools or they may choose to be placed on their preferred school’s waitlist. The second applicant will be placed at their preferred school if space is available or given second choice of available spaces and so on until all spaces are filled and/or the entire list of applicants has been placed.

Waitlist Procedure - Admission from the Waitlist 

  1. Admission from the waitlist will require an assessment of the applicant's language proficiency to determine if they can be successfully integrated into the classroom and school.
  2. If a kindergarten seat becomes vacant after the beginning of school, it will be filled with a waitlist applicant from the same language group. If it is before the end of the first quarter of the District calendar, language screening will not be required for non Spanish proficient students. In order to enroll Spanish proficient students may need to pass a Spanish proficiency screening.
  3. Additional kindergarten students will generally not be placed from the waitlist after the first quarter of the District calendar.
  4. After the first quarter, the kindergarten language group waitlists will be combined by order of perpetual lottery number. When combining the two language group lists after the first quarter or replacing a student on the waitlist due to sibling priority disqualification or waitlist removal error, the hierarchy of perpetual lottery numbers will be used.
  5. If a seat becomes available, it will be filled at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office; Spanish proficiency screening will be required for admission.
  6. The waitlist applicants will receive communication from the District to affirm their intent to retain their place on the waitlist and must respond by the requested date. Parents will be asked to use serious consideration regarding their student's ability to pass the grade level Spanish proficiency screening before requesting to remain on the waitlist.

Heritage Language Program


The Heritage Language Program is offering following languages: Arabic Bilingual Program at Ardmore Elementary, Hindi Bilingual Program at Ardmore Elementary, Korean Bilingual Program at Newport Heights Elementary

Students in the Heritage Language Program are taught the standard Bellevue School District curriculum but receive instruction in both the Heritage Language and English. They learn to understand, speak, read, and write in both the Heritage Language and English.

Waitlist Procedure - Admission from the Waitlist

  1. If a seat becomes vacant after the beginning of school, it will be filled with a waitlist applicant.
  2. Kindergarten students will generally not be placed from the waitlist after the first quarter of the District calendar.
  3. If a seat becomes available, it will be filled at the discretion of the principal in conjunction with the Student Placement office.
  4. The waitlist applicants will receive communication from the District to affirm their intent to retain their place on the waitlist and must respond by the requested date.

Secondary offerings

  1. Resident siblings in grades 6-12 who are home-schooled or are attending private school may attend the Heritage Language class as a part time student. To attend part time, the student may not be attending another Washington State public school, and, for private school students, the language (Arabic, Hindi or Korean) must not be offered at their school. To request part time attendance, please refer to Procedure 3114P – Part-time, Home-based or Off-campus Students.
  2. Resident students in grades 6-12 who are attending a comprehensive school in the Bellevue School District may concurrently enroll with Bellevue Digital Discovery to attend a Heritage Language class in Arabic, Hindi or Korean. This class will be scheduled through their counselor.
  3. Nonresident students in grades 6-12 who have been approved to attend a comprehensive school in the Bellevue School District, may concurrently enroll with Bellevue Digital Discovery to attend a Heritage Language class in Arabic, Hindi or Korean. This class will be scheduled through their counselor.