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3120: Enrollment - Resident Student

  • 3000: Students
3120: Enrollment - Resident Student

Adoption Date: Sept. 18, 2012
Last Updated: Sept. 4, 2018

Generally, each student in the Bellevue School District (District)is required to attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which he or she resides. Enrollment only for the receipt of ancillary services will likewise be at the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which the student resides, unless the ancillary services sought are not available at the designated school.

Since accurate enrollment records are essential both to obtain state financial reimbursement and to fulfill the District's responsibilities, the District will be diligent in maintaining such records. The Superintendent or his/her designee will develop consistent and equitable procedures for enrolling resident students.

A. Enrollment of new students

A parent/guardian of a student or someone acting on behalf of the parent/guardian or (if the student is over 18), the student, may initiate school enrollment. The District may require families claiming residency to provide documentation that verifies such residency within the District. A home visit may be conducted to further verify residency. The District will not inquire into a student’s citizenship or immigration status or that of the parent/guardian.

If the District receives information that a student has a history of disciplinary actions, criminal or violent behavior, or other behavior that indicates the student could be a threat to the safety of staff, or students, or himself/herself, the student’s teachers and building security personnel will be informed.

B. Attendance Area Transfers

Annually, the Superintendent or his/her designee will inform the public of the District’s attendance area transfer options. The District will make available for public inspection the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s annual information booklet on enrollment options at the Student Placement Office or on the District website. This information is also available online at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) at

The Superintendent or his/her designee will approve or deny transfer requests based on the following criteria:

  1. Enrollment numbers (or projected enrollment numbers) for the building and specific grade level at both the neighborhood and requested schools;
  2. Staffing levels (or projected staffing levels); and
  3. Building or program capacity.

Transportation for students approved for Attendance Area Transfers is the responsibility of the parent/guardian for elementary and middle school students. High school students may be provided with a bus pass to access public transportation.

Any parent/guardian or student who disagrees with the decision may follow the complaint process outlined in Policy 4220.

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) eligibility rules apply to all secondary students who transfer between schools.

  1. Transfer Requests for the current school year:
    Transfer Requests for the current school year will follow the criteria listed above.
  2. Transfer Requests for the next school year:
    Transfers for the next school year are through Open Enrollment and the Transfer Request processes. Open Enrollment lotteries will be held and waiting lists established for all schools and grades. Transfer Requests received after the close of Open Enrollment will be added to the bottom of the Open Enrollment waiting lists in the order received. Waiting lists will be used for one school year only and new waiting lists will be created prior to the start of the next Open Enrollment period. Transfers, when granted, will commence the first day of school for the next school year and normally continue until the student complete the education program at the current level of enrollment (elementary, middle or high school.)

    Open Enrollment – The purpose of Open Enrollment is to grant choice regarding enrollment in schools in the District. Open Enrollment is for resident students only. The dates of Open Enrollment will be posted on the District website each year.
    1. Transfer Requests for the next school year – Following the completion of Open Enrollment, requests from resident students to transfer schools for the next school year will be processed through the Transfer Request Process.

C. Choice School and Program Enrollment

  1. Each year, the Superintendent or his/her designee will establish a specific time to accept Choice School and Program applications for the next school year and will publish it on the District website.
  2. Resident students will receive first priority for admission to Choice School and Programs. Students may be required to provide proof of residency to apply.
  3. Students will be admitted to specific grade levels – kindergarten for elementary programs and 6th grade for secondary programs.
  4. Siblings of students currently enrolled in the Choice School or Program will be prioritized (sibling priority) over other applicants provided that both siblings will attend the school or program together for a minimum of one year.
  5. If there are more applicants than space available, lotteries will be conducted. Students not admitted will be placed on a waiting list in the order drawn in the lottery.
  6. Admission, when granted, will commence the first day of the next school year and normally continues until the student completes the educational program.

D. District Determined Placement

The District reserves the right to and may assign students to attend particular schools or programs for specific reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to:

  1. Establish a plan for re-entry as a result of a suspension or expulsion;
  2. Provide appropriate programming for special needs students;
  3. Protect the health or safety of either the assigned student or other students or staff;
  4. Avoid or lessen program disruption; and/or
  5. Meet student’s social, emotional, behavioral and/or academic needs.

Any student or parent/guardian who disagrees with a District Determined Placement to a school other than the student’s attendance area school may follow the complaint process outlined in Procedure 4220P.

E. Children of Fulltime Employees of the Bellevue School District

Children of fulltime certificated or classified employees (regardless of residency status) shall be afforded enrollment rights consistent with RCW 28A.225.225.

F. Students Experiencing Homelessness

Students experiencing homelessness shall be allowed to remain in the District as required by law and outlined in Policy 3115.

G. Enrollment in Special Programs

The District will define legally compliant, fair and consistent procedures for enrollment of students in special programs.

Cross Reference

Legal References

RCW 28A.225.215 Enrollment of children without legal residences
RCW 28A.225. 225 Enrolling Children of Employees
RCW 28A.225.270 Intradistrict enrollment options policies
RCW 28A.225.290 Enrollment options information booklet
RCW 28A.225.300 Enrollment options information to parents
WAC 392-121-108 Definitions — Enrollment exclusions
WAC 392-121-122 Definitions —Full-time equivalent students
WAC 392-121-182 Alternative learning experience requirements
WAC 392-169-022 Running start student — definition

Management Resources

  • Policy News - August 2011 - Student enrollment procedures clarified by the Department of Education
  • Policy News - June 2003 - Enrolling Children of school Employees