2153P: Non-Curriculum Related Student Groups
- 2000: Instructional
Last Revised: Feb. 21, 2014
Student-initiated, non-curriculum related groups, pursuant to the Equal Access Act are authorized to meet before, after school or during non-instructional time on school premises. Prior to meeting a group must:
1. Submit a written request for a meeting to the school principal or the principal’s designee at least five school business days prior to the desired meeting date.
a. The principal will grant or deny the request in writing at least two school business days prior to the scheduled date.
The written request for a meeting shall provide the principal or the principal’s designee the following information:
A. The name of each student who is making the request,
B. The name of the monitor of the group proposing a meeting,
C. A description of the proposed meeting along with its stated purpose,
D. The name(s) and affiliations of non-students (if any) who will be invited,
E. A written statement stating:
1. That all students shall be voluntarily attending the meeting,
2. That any non-students shall not be directing, conducting, controlling or regularly attending future meetings and/or activities,
3. The time and frequency of meetings for the proposed group.