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2151P: Interscholastic Activities

  • 2000: Instructional
2151P: Interscholastic Activities

Date: 2.13, 7.15, 8.17, 8.18, 9.23

I. Athletic/Activities Code of Conduct

II. Attendance Requirement - Athletics

III. Grade Point Requirement - Athletics

IV. WIAA Compliance and Coaches

V. Non-WIAA Sports

VI. Athletic Eligibility for Big Picture and International Schools

VII. Sunday Practices and Competitions – Athletics and ASB Clubs VIII. Program Evaluation - Athletics

IX. Compliance Officer

I. Athletic/Activities Code of Conduct

A. Preamble

The Bellevue School District (“District”) is committed to ensuring an environment where all student participants (“participants”) have every opportunity to engage in programs aligned with the District’s Vision, Values, and Purpose for athletics and activities. It is also important to remember participation in extra-curricular programs is not an entitlement. The district is committed to equitable access to extra-curricular activities for each and every participant and when necessary, an equitable application of corrective action(s) for participants at the discretion of administrators (Principals or Assistant Principals or District Administrator (“administrators”) and/or the school’s Athletic/Activity Director (“Athletic/Activity Director”).

The Athletic/Activities Code of Conduct (“Code”) takes effect when a participant enrolls in any of the District’s high school athletic and/or activity programs and ends when the participant graduates from any one of the District’s high schools.

Corrective actions are administered in the best interest of students, are fair and balanced; progressive in nature; and considers the developmental level of the participant. Any corrective action applied under the Code throughout a participant’s high school years will be progressive corrective action(s), in terms of severity up to removal from extra-curricular programs.

Each school, program, and activity will notify all participants about the Code, its requirements, and corrective actions on an annual basis.

B. Implementation of Corrective Action and Process

Participants who exhibit any of the Behavior Violations included in Procedure 3241.1P: Behavioral Violations may be subject to corrective action under the Code.

1. If there is a reasonable belief a participant violated the Code, the allegation must be reported to an administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director.

2. Any reported allegation of a potential violation will result in an investigation. At minimum, the investigation will include:

a. An opportunity for the affected participant to provide a statement to an administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director. Prior to the affected participant providing a statement, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will ask if the affected participant wishes to have a trusted adult with them.

b. A review of any previous corrective actions relating to the affected participant.

c. Interviews with others (students, staff members, coaches, etc.) who may have knowledge of the alleged incident.

d. An interview with the parent/guardian, as appropriate.

e. The administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director may determine that other steps must be taken before the investigation is complete.

3. If concluded that the participant did violate the Code, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director may determine an appropriate corrective action. The corrective action will be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the participant’s offense, honesty, and conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

a. Corrective action(s) applied under the Code are to be interpreted in a way that would not limit the application of corrective action otherwise imposed under other applicable District policies and procedures.

b. A participant who wishes to appeal the imposition of a corrective action under the Code may appeal pursuant to Section D (Appeals of a Corrective Action) of the Code.

4. If concluded that the participant did violate the Code, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will provide the participant and parent/guardian a written record of the corrective action imposed on the participant. The written record will include at minimum:

a. the behavior that led to the corrective action,

b. the corrective action,

c. and applicable appeal rights.

d. Records of corrective action imposed on a participant under the Code are maintained in the same manner as any other student information.

5. Should a corrective action under the Code be applicable for a co-curricular activity that is part of a credit course for grade (examples include drama, music, journalism, art), or other school approved activities as defined in Policy 2150 (Co-Curricular Program), the administrator will determine an appropriate corrective action. The corrective action will only be for the co-curricular event portion of the activity commensurate with the nature of the co-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

6. If a student commits an infraction of the Code but is not currently involved in a sport/activity, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will determine an appropriate corrective action. The administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will then:

a. Either apply a corrective action to be completed PRIOR to the next sports season in which the student participates, or

• Note: If the student does not participate in a sport/activity within a calendar year, no corrective action will be applied.

• Note: Participation is defined as follows: the student must report for try-outs and complete the season in order to serve the corrective action that has been imposed.

b. Apply the corrective action to the next consecutive sports season in which the student participates.

7. Corrective actions apply to the sport and the activity if the student participates in both concurrently during a given school year.

8. If a corrective action imposed on a student participant overlaps with a period of ineligibility in a sport or activity (for reasons including but not limited to grades, injury, or practice requirements), the corrective action does not begin after the period of ineligibility. Instead, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will determine an appropriate corrective action commensurate with the nature of the extracurricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

C. Alcohol, Drugs and Other Mood-Altering Substances

Under Administrative Procedure 2151P (Interscholastic Activities), students who participate in athletics and/or activities are expected to refrain from the unlawful use of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and controlled substances. Any unlawful use of controlled substances, alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco is a violation of the Code.


1. “Drug” means any controlled substance, as defined by the Uniform Controlled Substances Act (RCW 69.50), any drug that requires a prescription (so-called “legend drugs”), and any “look alike” drug or substance believed to be or represented as being a drug or controlled substance; and any food item with illegal drugs and/or alcohol contained within.

2. “Alcohol” includes any beverage, mixture, or preparation containing alcohol.

3. “Intoxicant” means any other chemical substance (including industrial chemicals and over-the-counter medications) when used contrary to directions or warnings to affect the user's perception, behavior, or mood, excluding tobacco and caffeine; and

4. “Drug paraphernalia” means all equipment, products, materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designated for use in introducing into the human body a drug, alcohol, or intoxicant. Corrective actions for offenses related to Drugs and/or Alcohol are set forth below and are to be implemented as follows:

First Offense – Alcohol, Drugs and Other Mood-Altering Substances

Corrective Action: While considering corrective action for a drug/alcohol offense, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will contact the District Athletic and Activities Director before imposing corrective action as appropriate.

Required corrective actions specific to drugs and/or alcohol offenses are as follows:

Paraphernalia without Possession (first offense):

• Student schedules a meeting with a drug and alcohol counselor within three school days and follow through with meeting

o Note: Failure to follow through with scheduled meeting will result in the participant receiving corrective action for possession

• Notify parent/guardian

• Consider safety/behavior plan that includes accessing of applicable support services

• A maximum suspension of 20% of season contests or performance events. Decisions regarding suspension from contests/events should be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

Possession (first offense):

• Student schedules a drug and alcohol assessment within three school days and follows through with both the assessment and any recommendations.

o Note: Failure to follow through with the assessment and/or follow through with assessment recommendations will result in immediate removal from all activity until the assessment is completed. Removal occurs if the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district.

• Notify law enforcement

• Consider safety/behavior plan, to include accessing of applicable support services

• A maximum suspension of 30% of season contests or performance events. Decisions regarding suspension from contests/events should be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

Use (first offense):

• Immediate removal from all activity provided an administrator reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district for a maximum of ten days.

• Student schedules drug and alcohol assessment within three school days and follows through with both the assessment and any recommendations.

o Note: Failure to follow through with the assessment and/or follow through with assessment recommendations will result in immediate removal from all activity until the assessment is completed. Removal occurs if the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district.

• Notify law enforcement

• Consider safety/behavior plan, to include accessing of applicable support services

• A maximum suspension of 50% of season contests or performance events. Decisions regarding suspension from contests/events should be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

Intent to distribute or distribution (first offense):

• Immediate removal from all activity provided the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district for a maximum of ten days.

• Student schedules drug and alcohol assessment within three school days and follows through with both the assessment and any recommendations.

o Note: Failure to follow through with the assessment and/or follow through with assessment recommendations will result in immediate removal from all activity until the assessment is completed. Removal occurs if the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district.

• Notify law enforcement

• Require safety/behavior plan, to include accessing of applicable support services

• A maximum suspension of 100% of season contests or performance events. Decisions regarding suspension from contests/events should be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

Second (or greater) Offense:

Any second or greater offense for drug and/or alcohol throughout a student’s grade 9-12 enrollment in a District school, with the exception of distribution, would take into consideration the original offense. While considering corrective action for a second or greater drug/alcohol offense, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director will contact the District Athletic and Activities Director.

The following list is a menu of possible corrective actions to apply in a second (or greater) offense. The corrective action taken will depend on the circumstances and any previous alcohol, drug, or other mood-altering substances offenses a student has previously committed. The administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director may apply multiple actions for any one offense.

• Parent conference

• Required drug/alcohol assessment and follow-through with all recommendations

• Release of Information with assessment provider

• Implementation of a safety or behavior plan

• Referral to Guidance Team

• Referral to Law enforcement as appropriate

• Referral to CPS notification as appropriate

• Suspension from regularly scheduled practices and/or meetings as appropriate

• Suspension from regularly scheduled competitions and/or performances as appropriate

• For participants found in violation of controlled substance or legend drug use a second time, a maximum suspension from all participation in BSD athletic and/or activity programming for one (1) calendar year. Decisions regarding suspension from BSD programming should be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

 Required Corrective Action for athletes found in violation of controlled substance or legend drug use a second time: removal from all WIAA sanctioned competitions for one (1) calendar year. (WIAA Rule 18.27.2)

• For participants found in violation of controlled substance or legend drug use a third time, a maximum action of permanent removal from all BSD athletic and/or activity programming. Decisions regarding permanent removal from BSD programming should be commensurate with the nature of the extra-curricular activity, the student’s offense, honesty, and his/her own conduct, and/or other relevant factors.

 Required Corrective Action for athletes found in violation of controlled substance or legend drug use a third time: permanent removal from all WIAA sanctioned competitions. (WIAA Rule 18.27.2)

D. Appeals of a Corrective Action

A participant who wishes to appeal the imposition of a corrective action may appeal the decision at the school level through the following means:

1. If the participant is not satisfied with the decision at the school, the participant may file an appeal with the District Athletic and Activities Director.

a. The participant and/or parent/guardian must request an appeal conference with the District Athletic and Activities Director in writing.

b. The participant and/or parent/guardian must include the corrective action that is the basis of the appeal in their written request.

c. The District Athletic and Activities Director will schedule an appeal conference, the purpose of which is to listen to the reason and rationale for the appeal.

d. The District Athletic and Activities Director will provide the participant and parent/guardian a written record of their decision related to the appeal. The written record will include at minimum:

i. the behavior that led to the corrective action,

ii. the corrective action,

iii. the reason(s) and rationale for the appeal, and

iv. the District Activities and Athletics Director’s decision.

2. If the participant is not satisfied with the decision made by the District Athletic and Activities Director at the second level of appeal, the participant may file a final appeal with the District’s Disciplinary Appeal Council (DAC) and is entitled to due process rights outlined in WAC 392-400-240 (Discipline – Grievance procedure).

NOTE: If the appeal relates to a second (or higher) violation of controlled substance use and the participant competes in a sport sanctioned by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA), and the participant wishes to gain eligibility for competition, then the participant must file an appeal directly to the Executive Director of the WIAA in addition to an appeal with the District.

NOTE: A student does not retain the ability to participate in any capacity in the program/activity while awaiting an appeal of a corrective action. While waiting for an appeal hearing, the corrective action in question remains in place.

II. Attendance Requirement - Athletics

Aligned with Procedure 3122P: Excused and Unexcused Absences, Student athletes are expected to attend school on days of practices and competitions. Coaches are provided with a daily printout of attendance to ensure their athletes are eligible to practice or compete based on the following:

• Students must attend a minimum of (5) classes for a 7-period schedule (Monday, Tuesday, and Friday)

• Students must attend a minimum of (4) classes for a 6-period schedule

• Students must attend a minimum of (2) classes for a 3-period schedule (Wednesday)

• Students must attend a minimum of (3) classes for a 4-period schedule (Thursday) In rare, extreme, and extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student, eligibility to practice or compete may be granted in advance on a case-by-case basis.

III. Grade Point Requirement - Athletics

Besides meeting WIAA academic standards to maintain eligibility during the current semester, BSD students shall maintain at minimum a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) while enrolled in at least six classes in order to participate in a sport and/or activity. The record at the end of the semester shall be final, except for credits earned and approved by the Bellevue School District. If a student-athlete’s cumulative GPA is determined to be below 2.0 during a season’s initial grade check, that student-athlete is academically ineligible and placed on suspension from competition.

• The suspension period shall be for a three (3) week period from the start of the initial grade check for that sports season. For the first semester grade check, the suspension period shall be the first three (3) weeks of the succeeding semester.

• During the period of ineligibility, the student-athlete may attend and participate in practices but is prohibited from participating in competition.

• At the end of the three (3) week period, a new grade check will be conducted, and eligibility will be determined at that time. If, at the time of the new grade check, the student athlete is maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA in at least six (6) credit bearing classes, the student may then be reinstated for interscholastic competition.

• Each student athlete is eligible on Monday of the week following the end of the suspension period. Three or more teaching days shall constitute a week.

• Credit and grade checks will occur approximately every four (4) to six (6) weeks throughout the season and eligibility will be determined by these checks.

There may be unique and unusual circumstances that result in less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA. If any student, parent/guardian, teacher, coach, administrator and/or counselor, believes that there is such a circumstance, they may appeal their ineligibility based on this requirement.

Circumstances that may qualify for unique and unusual are listed below. This list is not exhaustive.

• The student enrolled in the district within the last two years with a credit deficiency and low grades. Given the limited amount of time to recover, the student was able to complete the credits required, but not meet the 2.0 GPA. • The student experienced a significant health, mental and/or emotional situation that significantly interfered with the ability to attain the 2.0 GPA.

• The student has an identified disabling condition.

• The student has made extraordinary effort (re-took classes, took challenging and rigorous courses beyond his/her level and in spite of working hard earned low grades, attended tutorial regularly, attended summer school, took optional learning programs, etc.) to earn the requisite GPA but in spite of these efforts, was unable to meet the requirement.

• The student is a winter or spring athlete, already served a suspension period during the fall sport season due to the BSD standard and earned at least a 1st Semester GPA of 2.0.

Process to apply for a GPA Waiver:

1. Student completes the 2.0 Cumulative GPA Athletic Requirement Waiver Form and submits to their athletic director along with a transcript.

2. Athletic Director sends the paperwork to the student’s assistant principal for review and adjudication.

3. Student returns the form to the Athletic/Activity Director. If the request is denied, the parent/guardian and/or student will have the opportunity to appeal to the Principal.

4. The Principal will work as efficiently and judiciously as possible to act on appeals to maximize the possibility that the student and/or his/her parent may exercise their rights to appeal prior to any opportunity for competition is lost.

5. If the request through the Principal is denied, the student may request an appeal conference with the District Activities and Athletic Director which constitutes Step Two of the District complaints procedure outline in Bellevue School District Procedure 4220P (Complaints Concerning Staff and Programs).

IV. WIAA Compliance and Coaches

The interscholastic program must adhere to the mission statement and policies of the Bellevue School District Board of Directors (“Board”) and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (“WIAA”) rules and procedures. Each school is to have procedures in place for selecting adult advisors/coaches; for annually notifying parents and participants of rules, regulations, and expectations in each sport/activity; and for supervising and evaluating coaches/advisors and programs.

Filing a Report of a Potential Violation

1. When information of an alleged violation of District policy and/or WIAA rule violation is received (either written or oral) by an employee of the District, the allegation must be reported to an administrator, Athletic/Activity Director, or the District’s Compliance Officer.

2. Any reported allegation of a potential violation will result in an investigation. The District’s Compliance Officer will ensure implementation of the policy and procedure by overseeing the investigative processes, including selection of an appropriate investigator, and ensuring that investigations are prompt, impartial, and thorough.

3. At minimum, an investigation will include:

a. A meeting with the individual who received the alleged violation(s) to obtain a written summary of the allegation and any other materials accumulated by that date.

b. Additional interview(s) of individuals who have first-hand information or that may lead to other individuals with first-hand information relative to the alleged violation. Prior to any interview with an individual under the age of eighteen, the investigator will inquire if the individual wishes to have a trusted adult with them during the interview.

c. A review of any other documentation that relates to the allegation.

d. The investigator may determine that other steps must be taken before the investigation is complete.

4. At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator will complete and provide a written record outlining all findings. The written record will include:

a. a brief summary of the initial report,

b. a statement of all the alleged violations, and

c. a detailed summary of relevant findings relating to the allegation(s).

d. The case summary will also indicate whether, and to what extent, the corroboration or verification of considered information. The investigator should also provide any mitigating facts that exist.

5. If concluded that the allegations were a policy violation and/or WIAA Rule violation, the administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director of the school where the violation occurred will work to determine an appropriate corrective action in consultation with the District Athletic and Activities Director as appropriate. The administrator and/or Athletic/Activity Director of the school where the violation occurred will also follow applicable District procedures, contractual safeguards, KingCo, and WIAA Rules related to self reporting violations of WIAA Rules.

V. Non-WIAA Sports

1. Water Polo, Lacrosse, and Girl’s Badminton are authorized “non-WIAA sports” within the District.

2. Students who participate in non-WIAA sports must be residents of the Bellevue School District.

3. The Board will not authorize a club sport for a high school where the high school has a WIAA-sanctioned sport or activity.

A. For teams with members from more than one high school, the home high school will be determined by administrators in consultation with the Athletic/Activity Directors.

4. Non-WIAA sports are offered on the basis of the following conditions:

A. Funds are provided to the school to pay for:

i. equipment (including helmets, helmet inspections and reconditioning, if needed for such sport),

ii. mouthpieces,

iii. uniforms,

iv. pool fees (if applicable),

v. officials’ fees (if applicable),

vi. transportation (if necessary),

vii. trainers (where required for safety and/or insurance requirements),

viii. fees for fields (if applicable),

ix. in addition, site supervision for practice(s) and contests.

B. Funds must be sufficient to cover any pre and post- season costs. Acceptance of funds for non WIAA programs must follow provisions outlined in administrative procedure 6114P: Donations.

C. Funds necessary for the immediate operation of each program will be deposited in the appropriate school’s ASB account prior to the start of the first practice. Payment for all other financial expenses as they come due; but payments must be timely.

5. Each year the District will provide each program with a calculation of anticipated costs and monies that need to be deposited with the District prior to the commencement of the sport season. If, at any time, there is no advance deposit of the requisite funds, said sport will NOT be offered and, thereafter, will not subsequently be offered. As part of each program’s seasonal budget, the following items are to be included:

A. The District will contribute up to $4000 for pool fees per season per team

B. District issued sport participation and transportation fees (unless the participant qualifies for a waiver based on The USDA Child Nutrition Program guidelines) for Lacrosse, Water Polo, and Badminton, paid during registration for a season, are collected in each school’s dedicated ASB account.

6. The District maintains the right to sever any and all relationships with that sport/activity should it occur that the District finds it must use its own funds to meet an unauthorized financial obligation or debt incurred by any of these non-WIAA sport activities. The severing of a relationship will mean no District involvement with that sport/activity and the authorization provided under this policy will be deemed withdrawn immediately.

7. Insurance coverage is available through the District’s insurance providers and appropriate safety measures are in place for the participants, as recommended by the District’s insurance advisors/risk managers.

8. Coaches will and must be paid according to the salary schedule determined by the District and the Bellevue Coaches Association and they must meet all other requirements concerning other coaches.

9. WIAA sports will be given first priority for use of fields and other school facilities.

10. Athletic Directors will oversee and approve the selection, hiring, continuation with District programs and/or recommendation of termination of coaches. All personnel associated with non-WIAA sports must adhere to and conform to the rules that the District has for all its personnel.

11. Participants on these teams must conform to the rules and regulations for any student who participates in a school sport/activity/club. This includes, but is not limited to, eligibility for participation and standards for behavior.

12. Athletic/Activity Directors will oversee and approve the operation of these non-WIAA sports programs (scheduling, transportation, etc.) to ensure that they conform to school and District policy and procedures.

13. A team may find that it needs to use the fields/facility at a District school other than its home high school field. In these circumstances, the team’s priority will be lesser or equal to community-user groups such as high school feeder programs.

VI. Athletic Eligibility for Big Picture and International Schools

Students who attend one of the Bellevue School District “choice” schools serving students in grades 9-12 will maintain athletic eligibility at the comprehensive high school serving the neighborhood in which they reside.

• Students attending Big Picture School who do not reside in the Bellevue School District are eligible to compete for Sammamish High School.

• Students who attend International School and do not reside in the Bellevue School District are eligible to compete for Bellevue High School.

VII. Sunday Practices and Competitions – Athletics and ASB Clubs

All activities must take place between Monday and Saturday; therefore, Sunday practices, meetings, and/or competitions are prohibited. Athletic Directors may request an exception to the competition prohibition for athletics by making a request in writing to the District Athletics and Activities Director in advance of the competition. ASB clubs may compete in scheduled competitions on Sundays when such competitions are approved by the District Athletics and Activities Director or through Field Trip approval processes in advance.

VIII. Program Evaluation

Under Policy 2151: Interscholastic Activities, an annual review of each high school athletic program is required to ensure that each program is meeting the goals of the District and the needs of participants. Such reviews must include broad-based input from participants and their families. Each athletic program will conduct a survey of student athletes and parents as a source of data to inform athletic directors and administrators in their annual review and to provide informative feedback to coaching staffs.

IX. Compliance Officer

For the purpose of this procedure, the District Athletics and Activities Director serves as the Compliance Officer for the District.