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2151: Interscholastic Activities

  • 2000: Instructional
2151: Interscholastic Activities

Adoption Date: Feb. 5, 2013
Last Revised: Sept. 30, 2023

The district will offer a program of interscholastic activities that will include all activities relating to competitive sport contests, games or events, or exhibitions involving individual students or teams of students of this district when such events occur between separate schools within this district or with any schools outside this district. The board expects that:

A. All interscholastic activities and events will be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA). All coaches and other staff will adhere to WIAA rules and regulations. The schools of the district will not participate in any out-of-season athletics that are not sanctioned by the WIAA.

B. The district will not be responsible or liable for non-school-sponsored programs or for programs that are organized, promoted, or participated in by staff members without school approval. The district will not be responsible for or control and incur liability for summer and/or out-of-season activities unless specifically sponsored by the school district.

C. The superintendent will establish rules defining the circumstances under which school facilities may be used and under which announcements of summer sports leagues and/or clinics may be channeled to students.

D. An athletic coach must be properly trained and qualified for an assignment as described in the coach's job description.

E. All coaching stipends for the services to be performed for the District that exceed the amount allowed by WIAA rules must be approved by the board of directors. Coaches may not solicit or accept additional compensation of any kind for the services to be performed for the District that exceeds the amount allowed by WIAA rules from team members, students, parents, and booster clubs or other community members or agencies. Gifts received, if any, must comply with Policy 5255, “Gifts to Staff.”

F. In-service training opportunities will be afforded each coach so that he/she is trained to attend to the health care needs of participants. Prior to a sports season, the coach will prepare a plan for managing medical emergencies at practice sessions and games (home and away).

G. Participants will be issued equipment that has been properly maintained and fitted.

H. All facilities and equipment utilized in the interscholastic activity program, whether the property of the district, will be inspected on a regular basis.

I. The coach and/or trainer must not provide medications of any kind, either prescribed or non-prescribed, unless written authorization has been secured from the student’s authorized medical provider. If such written authorization is not on file, medications may not be provided. This provision does not preclude the coach and/or trainer from using approved first aid items.

J. The board recognizes that certain risks are associated with participation in interscholastic sports. While the district will strive to prevent injuries and accidents to students, each participant and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) will be required to sign a statement, which indicates that the parent(s) and the student acknowledge the risks of injuries resulting from such participation and give assurance that the student will follow the instructions of the coach.

K. Each participant will be required to furnish evidence of physical fitness prior to becoming a member of an interscholastic team. A written report will be completed when a student is injured while participating in a school-supervised activity. A participant will be free of injury and will have fully recovered from illness before participating in any activity.

L. Each student participating in interscholastic athletic activities is required to have or obtain medical insurance for expenses incurred as a result of injuries sustained while participating in the extracurricular activity. Students will provide evidence of coverage. No student will be denied the ability to participate solely because the student's family, by reason of low income, is unable to pay the entire amount of the premium for such insurance.

M. In addition to District schools’ participation in WIAA-sanctioned activities, the Board authorizes club sports as non-WIAA-sanctioned activities, under a procedure to be developed by the superintendent. These club sports will be available to any student enrolled in the Bellevue School District. The Board will not authorize a club sport where the high school has a WIAA-sanctioned sport or activity. For purposes of this paragraph, the Board does not delegate its authority except where specifically indicated.

The Superintendent will prepare procedures for the conduct of students participating in activities covered by this policy. Notice of rules and disciplinary actions related to rule violations will be distributed to each participant and his/her parents prior to the beginning of an interscholastic activity season


The superintendent will develop procedures to perform the following evaluations:

A. A survey to be conducted at least once every three (3) years to assure that the recreational and athletic activities program accurately responds to the needs and desires of both male and female students.

B. A review at least once each year to ensure that equal opportunities are available to all students in the district.

C. An annual review of each program to ensure that it is meeting the goals of the District and the needs of the students. Such reviews will include broad-based input from participants and their families.


A. The Board directs the superintendent or designee to develop a procedure to ensure compliance with this policy. The procedure should include but not be limited to:

1. The process for students, staff, and community members to report potential violations of this policy.

2. The designation of a compliance officer.

3. A plan for how the District will communicate any relevant requirements to students and staff participating in athletics and activities at least once per school year.

B. Any employee or officer of the District who is made aware of potential violations of this policy is required to report to their supervisor or the compliance officer for this policy within ten (10) days of becoming aware of the potential violation.

Cross References

Legal References

  • RCW 28A.400.350 Liability, life, health, health care, accident, disability, and salary insurance authorized — When required — Premiums
  • RCW 28A.600.200 Interschool athletic and other extra-curricular activities for students, regulation of — Delegation, conditions
  • RCW 69.41.330 Public Warnings — School districts
  • RCW 69.41.340 Student athletics – Violations – Penalty