School Board
The Bellevue School District’s board of directors is comprised of five elected officials , one from each of the five geographical districts. Each board member is elected to their post by registered voters for a term of four years.
The school board employs and empowers a professional staff of administrators led by a strong superintendent of schools to carry out the district’s daily functions and to pursue its short and long range goals. The school board has fundamental governance responsibilities that fall into four major areas: vision, accountability, structure and advocacy.
The Bellevue School District has implemented a paperless eGovernance system called BoardDocs. This system allows for easier public access to board information, increases collaboration between board members, and lowers cost by creating a more efficient and effective method of managing board documentation.
Board Policies and Procedures
Board Policies are set by the School Board to establish legal requirements and define the parameters within which district programs should operate. Policies may also be aspirational and provide a vision or identify commitments. Policies go through a public reading and feedback/comment process before they are adopted or revised.
Contact Us
Phone Number:
(425) 456-4172
Mailing Address:
Bellevue School Board
P.O. Box 90010
Bellevue, WA 98009
Upcoming Meetings:
View Board Calendar