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Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment affords parents/guardians certain rights regarding the District’s use of surveys, collection, and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to:

  1. Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education –
    1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parents/guardians;
    2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
    3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
    4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
    5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
    6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
    7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents/guardians; or
    8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
  2. Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of –
    1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
    2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and
    3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
  3. Inspect, upon request and before administration or use –
    1. Protected information surveys of students;
    2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and
    3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum.

These rights generally transfer to an adult student when they turn 18 years old or become an emancipated minor under Washington law.

The District will develop and adopt policies, in consultation with parents/guardians, regarding these rights, as well as make arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. The District will directly notify parents/guardians of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. The District will also directly notify, such as through U.S. Mail or email, parents/guardians of students who are scheduled to participate in the specific activities or surveys noted below and will provide an opportunity for the parent to opt their student out of participation of the specific activity or survey. The District will make this notification to parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year if the District has identified the specific or approximate dates of the activities or surveys at that time. For surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, parents/guardians will be provided reasonable notification of the planned activities and surveys listed below and be provided an opportunity to opt their student out of such activities and surveys. Parents/guardians will also be provided an opportunity to review any pertinent surveys. Following is a list of the specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement:

  • Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution.
  • Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.

Parents/guardians who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202- 5901 or online here.

Notice of Student and Staff Rights and Responsibilities

In compliance with Chapter 392-400 of the Washington Administrative Code, this is to notify parents/guardians that a complete copy of “Student, Teacher, and Administrative Rights and Responsibilities” is available upon request from the principal of each school in the District or on the District’s website. This document includes the following:

  1. Washington Administrative Code prescribing the substantive and procedural due process rights of students in the public schools. Topics included are student responsibilities and duties, student rights, discipline procedures, short-term suspension procedures, long-term suspension procedures, expulsion procedures, and appeals procedures.
  2. Bellevue School District policies on student rights and responsibilities, student government, freedom of expression, inspection of students’ person and property, student conduct, attendance, use of tobacco, drugs and alcohol, use of motor vehicles on high school campuses, readmission procedures after suspension or expulsion, adjusting student grievances and corporal punishment.
  3. Rights and responsibilities of teachers and principals, as prescribed by state laws and regulations, including flag ceremonies, student attendance, establishment and enforcement of rules regarding student conduct and rights, treatment of students and teachers, disturbances on school premises, disclosure of examination questions, damage to school property, intimidation of teachers or students, trespassing on school grounds, health and safety of students, work hours, student records, preparation of teachers, transportation rules, school safety patrols, and special education or behaviorally disabled students.
  4. The District’s policies prohibiting sexual harassment between or among employees, students, and volunteers, and prohibiting harassment, bullying, and intimidation of students, employees, and others involved in school district activities.