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Official Notices

It is the intent of the Board of Directors of the Bellevue School District that all students, parents, and school employees who deal directly with students have access to and an understanding of the state laws, regulations, and district policies that pertain to the procedural and substantive rights of students, teachers, and administrators.

English (PDF) | Español (PDF) | 简体中文 (PDF)

In compliance with Washington Administrative Code 392-172A-02040, this is to notify parents whose children live or attend school within the Bellevue School District boundaries of Child find. Child find activities are conducted in order to locate, evaluate and identify students with a suspected disability, regardless of the severity of the disability, who reside or attend school within the District boundaries, and includes reaching students who are homeless, wards of the state, highly mobile students with disabilities, such as homeless and migrant students and students who are suspected of being a student with a disability and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade.

If you have a child from BIRTH THROUGH AGE FIVE who lives within the District and has trouble with talking, walking, seeing, hearing, or following directions, he/she may be eligible for special education services through the Bellevue School District. If you would like more information about these programs and a free screening, call 425-456-4149.

If you have a student from KINDERGARTEN THROUGH AGE 21 who has difficulty with academic skills or a suspected disability, call the counselor at your local school or call 425-456-4149 for more information about support and programs available.

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Complaint Resolution

In accordance with Board Policy 4220, any person who has a complaint regarding District staff or programs may initiate a complaint under Procedure 4220P. This procedure will be followed unless the complaint is specifically subject to review under another applicable District policy or procedure. In cases of that sort (e.g., placement and program decisions for special education students, allegations of Harassment, Intimidation, and bullying, etc.), the complainant will be directed by District staff to the appropriate District policy or procedure.

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Rights & Responsibilities

In compliance with RCW 28A.600.010, WAC 392-400-225, and the intent of the Board of Directors, the following state laws, regulations, and district policies are made available annually to enable all members of the educational community to exercise their rights and assume their responsibilities of citizenship and effective teaching and learning.

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Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment affords parents certain rights regarding the District’s conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams.

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Notice of Non-Discrimination

Bellevue School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access designated youth groups.

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Office of Education Ombuds Resources

Weapons Policy

Bellevue School District has a no-tolerance policy when it comes to weapons on campus. We are asking parents and guardians to explain the rules to their students so that our schools will continue to be safe places for both students and adults.

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District’s Use of Directory Information

FERPA requires the District, with certain exceptions, to obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of directory information from your child’s education records. However, the District may disclose appropriately designated directory information without your written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures.

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Truancy Law

Washington State law requires school age children below 18 years of age to attend school. When a student has unexcused absences, the school will work with the student and parents/guardians to make sure the student comes to school.

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Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.

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Pesticide, Asbestos & Lead

The Bellevue School District, in accordance with state law, is providing written annual notification to parents or guardians and employees describing the District’s pest control policies and methods. The Bellevue School District will also provide written annual notification that the District has an asbestos management plan for each school building that sets forth the procedures for controlling building materials that contain asbestos.

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Standard Tort Claim

Washington State law (Chapter 4.96 RCW) requires a Standard Tort Claim Form to be submitted when filing a tort claim against the Bellevue School District. Standard Tort Claim forms cannot be submitted electronically (via e-mail or fax) but must be mailed or delivered to the address noted in the form’s packet. Please read all of the information in the packet before completing and presenting your Standard Tort Claim.

Download Tort Claim Packet

Download Vehicle Collision Form

Website Accessibility

The Bellevue School District is committed to providing access to all individuals, with or without disabilities, seeking information on our district website.

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Annual CTE Nondiscrimination Notification:

The Bellevue School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age in its program or activities. The Bellevue School District offers classes in many career and technical education program areas under its open admissions policy.  

For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, visit our online course catalog or contact: 

Jess Moyer, CTE Director
12011 NE 1st St. Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: 425-456-4186

Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.