Middle School Consolidation - Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is the district studying consolidating middle schools?
- Is the district consolidating middle schools this year?
- Is the decision about consolidating a comprehensive middle school pre-determined?
- Consolidation has been presented as one option. What are the other options? Why does consolidation seem like the preferred option?
- How will the district ensure that the consolidation process is transparent and inclusive?
- What will happen if the district does not consolidate a school?
- Who makes the decision to consolidate a school?
- When will a decision be made?
- If the district consolidates a middle school, what will happen to the empty building?
- Where will students go to school if their school is consolidated?
- Will the district consider consolidating high schools?
- What happens to staff members if their school is consolidated?
- How does the Reimagining Middle Schools initiative from last school year connect to this study?
Why is the district studying consolidating middle schools?
Is the district consolidating middle schools this year?
Is the decision about consolidating a comprehensive middle school pre-determined?
Consolidation has been presented as one option. What are the other options? Why does consolidation seem like the preferred option?
How will the district ensure that the consolidation process is transparent and inclusive?
What will happen if the district does not consolidate a school?
Who makes the decision to consolidate a school?
When will a decision be made?
If the district consolidates a middle school, what will happen to the empty building?
Where will students go to school if their school is consolidated?
Will the district consider consolidating high schools?
What happens to staff members if their school is consolidated?
How does the Reimagining Middle Schools initiative from last school year connect to this study?
- How will the district ensure that the current level of services is maintained if a school is consolidated (e.g., students with disabilities, additional resources provided by Title I funding, and multilingual learners)?
- Is the district considering eliminating the Advanced Learning (AL) program?
- If a school is consolidated, will students be provided with transportation to the new school?
How will the district ensure that the current level of services is maintained if a school is consolidated (e.g., students with disabilities, additional resources provided by Title I funding, and multilingual learners)?
Is the district considering eliminating the Advanced Learning (AL) program?
If a school is consolidated, will students be provided with transportation to the new school?
Choice Schools and Programs
- Is a middle school being consolidated so that International School can have a new facility?
- Why doesn’t the district close a choice school (International and/or Big Picture) and return those students to their neighborhood schools?
- How will the district ensure that the language programs (Spanish and Mandarin Dual Language and Spanish Immersion) are preserved and strengthened?
- Why are Big Picture and International schools not a part of this study?
Is a middle school being consolidated so that International School can have a new facility?
Why doesn’t the district close a choice school (International and/or Big Picture) and return those students to their neighborhood schools?
How will the district ensure that the language programs (Spanish and Mandarin Dual Language and Spanish Immersion) are preserved and strengthened?
Why are Big Picture and International schools not a part of this study?
Learn more about School Funding Sources.
- We pay high taxes, how can there possibly be a budget challenge in Bellevue?
- What about the construction bonds that were passed? Can we use that money to solve the budget challenges caused by declining enrollment?
- Can we hold another levy election to solve the budget challenges caused by declining enrollment?
- Why doesn’t the district sell property like the Ringdall site to help solve the budget challenges caused by declining enrollment?
- Has the district advocated to the Washington State Legislature for additional funding?
- Has the district sought funding from corporations or additional funding from parents?
We pay high taxes, how can there possibly be a budget challenge in Bellevue?
What about the construction bonds that were passed? Can we use that money to solve the budget challenges caused by declining enrollment?
Can we hold another levy election to solve the budget challenges caused by declining enrollment?
Why doesn’t the district sell property like the Ringdall site to help solve the budget challenges caused by declining enrollment?
Has the district advocated to the Washington State Legislature for additional funding?
Has the district sought funding from corporations or additional funding from parents?
- The City of Bellevue is planning for growth and actively supporting the construction of more affordable housing. This appears to conflict with the district’s projections.
- How can the district be confident enrollment will continue to decline?
- Why doesn’t the district just accept more nonresident students? What is the downside if we accept more/continue to accept nonresident students?
- Can I apply for Open Transfer if my student’s school is consolidated?