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Project Phases

The process of moving BSD’s district and school websites to a new platform will take place over many months, with the input of our learning community. The phases below serve as an outline for the work that will be completed throughout the process.

Strategy and Planning
In 2020, the Bellevue School District hired the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) to perform a communications audit. The auditors interviewed stakeholders and met with 18 focus groups representing a broad range of opinions and ideas. Since the completion of the audit report in 2021, the district implemented many of the recommendations with a keen focus on setting a strong foundation of people, structures, processes and systems. While structural work is ongoing, the district is building on this foundation. In 2022, the district developed a strategy focused on two recommendations related to the website: Upgrade and redesign the district website and make it “communications central.” The district created a vision for a new and improved website experience (both district and school websites), explored possible solutions, and determined a path forward.


Listen and Learn

In spring 2023, a consultant from the website vendor, Finalsite, will conduct a “Listen and Learn” tour and collect fresh feedback from all stakeholder groups to learn what they need and expect from BSD’s district and school websites. Building on previous feedback, a districtwide survey will be conducted, and interviews with individuals and groups will provide insight into specific needs and detailed opportunities for improvement. These insights will lay the foundation for the design and development of the new and improved website experience. Additional feedback groups will be developed to provide their insights throughout the entirety of the project.


Design and Development

During this phase, the outside consultant and website vendor will consider the insights and requirements gathered in previous phases to develop a website design that best meets the needs of the BSD learning community. They will create an improved website experience that tells BSD’s story and meets our goals. Key focus areas will include user experience, equity, quality control, maintenance and security


Launch and Promotion

The new and improved website will be introduced to BSD students, families and community. BSD will welcome everyone to the new website, share tips on how to easily find information, showcase new and improved features, and more.


Support and Continuous Improvement

After launch, BSD will continue to provide support and listen as our learning community explores and uses the new district and school websites. BSD will offer opportunities for users to provide feedback on the new website — and looks forward to hearing any suggestions for future improvements. Any feedback will be provided to the Communications Department for review and consideration.