Student Success, Future Focused
Thanks to voters approving the 2020 Capital Project Bond, BSD is building for our future
Since 2002, the Bellevue Community has supported our students and schools by rebuilding and remodeling our school facilities to ensure that Bellevue maintains the high-quality schools our community expects. Voters approved a capital bond in the Feb. 11, 2020 election to address needs in the areas of aging schools, improving safety, and adding classroom space.
When Bellevue voters approve a capital bond, BSD can sell bonds for funding up front for major construction projects, and the bonds are paid back over time. This local investment is critical because the state does not provide enough funding for construction or major renovations of schools.
The 2020 Bond Projects Include
Provide students high-quality learning spaces by replacing aging school buildings and adding classrooms and student support spaces:
- Build additions for and renovate Newport and Interlake High Schools.
- Timeline: Newport High School Addition – Design for the addition has been ongoing since March 2020 with the NHS staff, District facilities staff and the architectural design team. This project will be out for public bid in February/March of 2022 with construction scheduled to begin in June 2022. The project will provide a new gym/athletic space, new CTE labs, add music rooms, drama spaces, robotics lab, general purpose classrooms and additional food service areas and significantly expand the commons space. This will be a three-year, multi-phase project and occupied during the construction period.
- Timeline: Interlake High School Addition/Renovation – This is a two-phase project. The first phase is to expand the Interlake kitchen and support services area as the old kitchen was inadequate. Phase one work is scheduled to be completed in August 2021. Phase 2 design work schedule is yet to be determined
- Replace Big Picture School, International School and Jing Mei Elementary.
- Timeline: Jing Mei was relocated to the former Wilburton building in fall 2023. Big Picture’s relocation to the former Eastgate building is expected to take place in fall 2026 upon completion of its renovation. Plans for International School are to be determined.
Increase safety and security for students and schools.
- Add security vestibules to eight schools that currently do not have them, requiring visitors to enter the office to check in before gaining access to the rest of the building. The set of doors between the vestibule and the school will remain locked and only open out.
- Timeline as of May 2021: The facilities team designed, bid and constructed safety vestibules at Chinook Middle School, Bellevue High School, Medina, Woodridge, Somerset and Spiritridge elementary schools. Design work is underway for the Sherwood Forest security vestibule.
Security Vestibules
Add safety posts in front of 19 school entrances that do not have them.
- One of the most important areas of a school to protect is the entrance. Fitting the entrance and exit points with fixed bollards protects them from potential vehicle impact, protecting students, staff and families inside and around the doorway.
- Timeline: Newer schools are being built with these bollards. Work on placing bollards will be completed as school schedules allow due to disruption of the on-site traffic circulation.
Replace the aging education service centers.
- This project is an investment in modern facilities to allow central office staff and administrators to better support students, teachers, and the community. The project will reduce the costs of maintaining aging buildings and increases building efficiency.
- Timeline: Schedule to be determined
2020 Bond Resources
Message for Families: English (PDF) / Spanish (PDF) / Simplified Chinese (PDF) / Traditional Chinese (PDF)
Bellevue School District Capital Bond Videos:
Full Version (YouTube):
English / Spanish / Simplified Chinese
Future Focused (YouTube):
English / Spanish / Simplified Chinese
Replace Aging School Buildings:
English / Spanish / Simplified Chinese
Increase Safety and Security (YouTube):
English / Spanish / Simplified Chinese
Bellevue School District Capital Bond Fact Sheet:
English (PDF) / Spanish (PDF) / Simplified Chinese (PDF) / Traditional Chinese (PDF)
Bellevue School District Capital Bond Mailer (PDF)
Bellevue School District Capital Bond Poster (PDF)
Bellevue School District Capital Bond Presentation (PPTX)
Bellevue School District Approves Funding Measure for the Feb. 11, 2020 Election (press release)
2014 Capital Projects Bond
Bellevue School District voters approved a bond in 2014 for capital projects, including rebuilding five schools plus adding a new school, Wilburton Elementary. Visit our Capital Construction page for more information.
Six projects are completed:
- Puesta del Sol Elementary – completed
- Highland Middle School – completed
- Clyde Hill Elementary – completed
- Wilburton Elementary improvements – completed
- Tillicum Middle School – completed
- Stevenson Elementary School – completed